Chapter 1: At the End of the Day there's Another Adventure!

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A band of travelers walked through an oak forest along an overgrown trail. The cool morning air rustled the trees slightly as the group walked, adding to the usual morning sounds of the wood. They followed a map that wore many tears and stains. Jesse, leading the group, was deep in thought as she walked, tuning out the conversation between her friends Lukas and Petra.

"The map clearly says that we should have taken a left back at the large bolder." Petra argued, gesturing to the map.

"No," Lukas defended, pulling the map back towards himself, "You're just looking at it upside down. We were supposed to take a right."

"Petra," Jesse spoke up from the front of the group, "Lukas has been looking at this map for the past couple hours, I'm sure he knows what he's talking about." Jesse turned around to continue walking. Lukas gave Petra a smug look while she, in turn, stuck her tongue out at him, childishly.

They continued to travel, with Lukas navigating their way, through the forest. In the late evening, the group finally arrived at their destination, a small town called Silverstone. The town looked like a normally small village, but there was not a villager in sight. The desolate town appeared uncared for, with broken windows, missing doors, and dead crops lining the small fields.

Suddenly, a small villager popped its head out of its home scanning its surroundings. Soon laying eyes upon the travelers, it urgently motioning for them to come into the house. Confusion flickered across the faces of the friends, looking to each other for an explanation. Shrugging, Jesse jogged into the building followed closely by Lukas and Petra.

The villager closed the door quickly once all of them were inside. After locking it, the villager spoke up, "Sorry about the hastiness, but as you know it is almost dusk and monsters will soon be about."

"Don't worry about us. We're the Order of the Stone after all, we can handle a few monsters." Petra boasted to the weary villager. The villager just nodded its head weakly, looking down.

"We really do appreciate your concern for our safety though, right Petra?" Jesse said to the villager, elbowing Petra.

"Yes, we really appreciate your help." Petra said, rubbing her shoulder. Jesse rolled her eyes before turning back to the villager.

"Now," Jesse spoke while unfolding a piece of paper, "do you know a villager by the name of Lynndon who lives here?" Jesse asked.

"That would be me, but call me Lynn. And I take it you are here to solve our village's dilemma?" Lynn asked.

"Yep, that's what we're here for." Lukas spoke up. "But would you mind filling us in on what happened here? You were a bit vague in your letter."

"Yes, please sit down." Lynn said as the villager gestured to a group of chairs. The trio sat down and looked to Lynn for an answer.

"For as long as any of our town can remember, we haven't had this problem before. Zombie populations were always relatively normal and nighttime was simply nighttime. But recently, there has been an increase in zombies. They've broken into homes, killed our people, and plague the nighttime with screams and moans. Some of the other villagers are planning to leave the village if nothing is done soon, many lock themselves away for days sometimes. We ask you for your help in figuring out what is behind all of this madness." Lynn said, taking a deep breath after.

"Of course we will help you figure out what is happening," Jesse said, standing up. Petra and Lukas nodded behind her, also getting up from their seats. They walked over to the door getting their weapons out. "The Order of the Stone will get to the bottom of this." Jesse told Lynn.

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