the great game

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Carbs should be one of the seven deadly sins, according to Chaeyoung, because they're addictive, essential and fattening - a frustratingly conflicting combination that has her writhing at the lunch table because she's tired, hungry and on a diet because the choir has a concert next Monday and a tight black dress is the code.

She didn't think her frown could droop any lower until she feels the bench beneath her wobble to the left and grinning lips come into focus.

"I got tickets to see the Busan Tigers this Sunday," he beams without waiting for her to ask because he knew she wouldn't because the grimace on her face tells him it's dieting season again and if he didn't talk first, she would.

Chaeyoung visibly cringes. "What's your point?" she asks even though she knows the answer. She's gone with him to a total of ten games, all of which she's spent in agonizing boredom because why on earth is this something people enjoy? A bunch of bulky, sweaty men tossing a ball back and forth for hours until someone messes up for the score to skew. She's never understood the appeal of sports, which comes as a shock to most because she's so active. Key word: active, not athletic. There's a difference. She's the fastest runner in P.E, highly coordinated, but lacks the spirit to actually score a goal. Yoga is more her style.

"You're coming with me."

"My ass, I am."

"Come ooon," he whines, shifting closer to rest his head on her shoulder. "I have three tickets and I can't let this last ticket go to waste." Truthfully, he won it over a phone contest. But it would be a waste of both how valuable the ticket is and the amount of time he spent collecting, memorizing and typing numbers to win them. The game just so happened to be on the day everyone who actually liked baseball was busy - Bambam has a wedding to attend, Seokmin is celebrating two months with his girlfriend (and Jungkook wishes them congratulations though constantly wonders how on earth Lee Seokmin managed two months with a girl without breaking her), Yugyeom has some appointment (for what, Jungkook doesn't know because he had hung up the phone out of frustration the moment the boy said 'no').

"I can't go, I have to prepare for the concert."

"Yeah, the next day. I don't get what the problem is, you're still gonna get to go. Why are you being so stubborn? I literally feel so attacked by the lack of good friends I have nowadays and just when I thought I could rely on my one childhood fr—"

"That's not the point! I need to perfect my vocals so my voice doesn't crack onstage, memorize a fucking eight minute song and exercise so I don't sag in my dress. Can you stop being a self centered brat for just one second because the world doesn't revolve around you, do you GET THAT Jeon Jungkook?!" she screams in one huff, having him wide-eyed by the collar of his button-up shirt. For any sane guy in this position, on the verge of being choked to death by the hands of a cute girl in a messy bun, this would be a clear sign to back down. But Jungkook is unphased - a childhood filled with Chaeyoung on edge because he's done stupid shit has him immune.

As best as he can with his neck in her grip, his gaze drops to her feet before slowly and intently moving up her body until his eyes meet her tired, teary ones. She's still breathing shallowly from the outburst, and Jungkook thinks her red face can be attributed to a multitude of reasons - raising her voice in the cafeteria catching the attention of nearby students (they're still looking, he realizes, but she's both too embarrassed and angry to let go of his shirt), the pent up stress of extracurriculars, or the fact that he just casually eyed her body, taking note of the fact that she's always been so thin that he wonders how she isn't at all fragile.

"Exercise? What on earth are you trying to lose? Your life?" he chuckles until his breathing is cut off by her fingers around his neck, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll stop." He's still laughing when she takes her hands away and looks at him only half-apologetic.

On A CloudOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora