A Wolf

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It was once a wolf ... Strong, proud and beautiful. Grew up with other wolves. He saw them grow more challenging and the Alpha Male, and all were defeated ... But he did not want that destination. There was a lot more interesting for him to do in life than challenge the Alpha Male. He decided to leave, pick their way.

Earlier, he was strong and full of life, everything was new. Happy, he ran the lonely fields. But gone by without a field hunting ... walked and walked a long time. He was hungry, cried and suffered because of their decisions. he is not looking for flesh, which could searched the grass to feed ... One day he saw pieces of flesh everywhere, because of hunger. And so, he bit by mistake a rock and broke all the teeth of the mouth, such was his hunger.

He was dying, and at that time, he was found by a good man. The man did not like the way a wolf, but as a large dog, and he could have many virtues. After all, even malnourishment, very thin, he still kept something of its beauty. The man took him at his ranch. And shortly afterwards, after he was fed and well accepted by dogs as if he were one of them, he was recovering his health. Soon he could help in the work of the farm. (essa frase está perfeita)

When it was possible, a man full of goodness, took him to tend the sheep from other dogs. He tried to do the work well, running here and there, watching the sheep so as not to spread. They were very fine, white, black, Jumping, joyful and innocent.

The days passed happy. And the wolf felt happy for the decision it had taken there ago. He had friends dogs that have accepted them. He also had friendly and sweet sheep, for shepherding. But, behold, one day a small sheep, all white and small, fell into a big hole. The Wolf, conscious of its duty, down the hole with care until you get it. He dared enough to fulfil its work. Arriving there he got down with his mouth the poor sheep, trying to load it, but it slipping of your mouth ... .. after all because he had no teeth ...

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