8th Grade

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8th Grade.

This was easily the best and worst year of my life so far. I finally was the person I always dreamed to be.

I had good friends we all sat at lunch together and I still remember where our table was. We sat there everyday and anybody basically knew if they sat there Jill and Joce would tell them to move.

Everyday was fun. I just wanted to wake up everyday and go to school just to see my friends and laugh and have a good time. I dressed nicer, and I had a bunch of friends who I knew cared about me. And that was good after everything I went through.

I had a lot of friends that were suicidal. I had a lot of friends in drugs. I had a lot of friends who were just straight up notches. And somewhere between all of that there was me. I was never one for drugs or being mean to people. everyone called me mom that year. I was like their mom at school. I helped them all through everything and I was always there and I still am.

Maybe everyone always telling me their problems nd me never telling anybody mine really built up inside of me. But all of it surely came out on September 14, 2013.

I probably cried all day. I think my friends soon enough got tired of all my crying because I couldn't stop. But they were all there.

I woke up that morning and I just felt good. I felt better than ever. I had a feeling of happiness that overcame me. It felt like nothing could or ever would bring me down. I went to school like normal and saw all my friends. I just remember telling all of them "today is gonna be a good day" and it was...till around lunch time. Everyone ate lunch together then when we were all done we would split up into our little groups like we did everyday. Maddie, Carissa and I walked to the chorus room like we always did. I all can remember from that time is laughing. Uncontrollable laughing. And the kind of happiness that makes everything start going in slow motion. My choir teacher got a call. "Alexis are you in here?" he called. "Yeah Mr.C." I replied. "They need you in the counselling office right away. I just figured that something about high school. I was super excited. I walked slowly to the office and I ran into Jill on the way she said "where are you going?" and I said "to the counselling office. I will be right back".

I walked in the counselling office and they told me to sit down. My counsellor told me there was no easy way to say it. My house burnt down. She says my mom is okay along with all of my animals. My step dad was in Washington visiting family and my mom was home alone. She continued by saying that she didn't know the whole story but the principal of my little brothers school was going to take my brother and I home.

I sat there. A tear slowly probably fell down my face. I didn't know what to think. I couldn't say anything. I kept imagining what it looked like.

I got in the car. We drove to my house. My brothers principal parked down the street. I jumped out of the car and ran up the street. It was the fastest I ever ran in my whole life. I couldn't stop crying.

I finally got up the street and ran through the crowds of people across the street from my home. I saw my mom. The whole time I was trying to find her everyone kept hugging me and assuring everything was gonna be okay even though I knew it wasn't. I had just lost everything.

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