The safe zone was in this abandoned warehouse. That's where I learned everything about the stupid leeches. Also, that's where Esmay and I got our red contacts. They gave a pair to everyone so we could at least try and look like them. My sister and I only stayed there for a week before the Vampos found out about it and captured everyone. Vampos are a part of the "upper class vampires" and their job is to follow orders given by the leader and capture humans. Luckily Esmay and I escaped without being caught. We ran and stayed wherever we could, using the contacts they gave us to look unhuman.

There was a bunch of places where we've stayed for a couple of days, packed up, and then moved on to somewhere else. Honestly, I've lost count, but right now we are staying in this little shack that consists of a small bed on the floor that we share and luckily a small separate room that has a place for us to go to the bathroom. We found it in the woods one day, not too far from the city.

We don't ever go into the city unless we absolutely have to. We only ever go to the small grocery stores that they have for the richer civil vampires that have their own slaved human that they buy food and water for.

Esmay and I are running out of food, and we are about to go to the store and stock up. I'm just finishing putting in my contacts right now with a small piece of broken glass we use as a mirror.

"Are you ready?" I ask Esmay as I blink repeatedly, making sure the contacts are securely in my eyes.

"No, have you seen my other contact? I put both in the case, I swear, but there's only one in here." she pouts while scoping the small room.

"You're joking right?' I say, even though I know she's not. This is how she's always been. Ever sense she was little she would always loose or misplace her stuff, not to mention she is probably one of the most clumsiest person I know.

She doesn't say anything, but answers my question by getting on her hands and knees before crawling around, looking for her lost contact.

"Maybe I should just go alone." I state, even though I don't want to, but I would much rather go by myself then risk Esmay getting caught.

"What are you crazy?" She asks while getting up from her hands and knees. "I'll wear my sunglasses. I am not letting you go alone." She says more forcefully, and I don't even try to protest. She always ends up winning anyways because "she's older than me", Which I think is such bull. She's only two years older and sometimes I feel like I take care of her more than she does of me.

I roll my eyes as my answer and walk over to the small door. "Fine. Are you ready now?" I ask while slipping on my worn out chucks.

"Yeah." She mumbles before pulling up her thick blonde hair into a small bun at the top of her head and covering her bright blue eyes with her pair of Ray Bans she found on the sidewalk a week ago. She grabs the small bag we use to carry the food back with and throws it over her shoulder before heading towards the door.

The walk to the city is only about forty-five minutes. Every step I take I get more and more nervous though. Esmay should've just stayed back and let me go by myself. I glance over at her trying to see if she's as scared as me, but the sunglasses covering her eyes makes her expression unreadable.

We finally exit out of the woods and reach the road that leads into the city. All the large buildings are in view and we slowly approach them, staying silent as usual. We pass by a couple of vampires on the way there and each time I look at them I shiver. Even though I've seen their eyes a million times it still gives me the creeps.

"Shit, I'm nervous." Esmay breaks our silence as we finally approach the glass doors to the store.

"Everything's going to be fine." I say trying to soothe her nerves even though I'm just as scared as her. We've done this a bunch of times, but every time it comes to it my mind scares the shit out of me by creating all the possibilities that could happen.

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