Jinwoo shows his 'I am innocent' face and Sooyoung slaps his arm. "And you don't even clear that thing up!"

"Hey! Is it necessary for me to clean it up? I mean, unless you are into someone in our class, the rumor that you have married isn't that important."

Jinwoo and his antics. He clearly isn't changed at all. Sooyoung takes the glass of water to calm herself down. "So, you are still single?"

"Yes. Working in hospital clearly takes your time to date someone."

They laugh to her reply and then Sanghyuk seems to get a call. He goes out while everyone is still either eating or drinking and chatting.

When he comes back, he smiles big time. "Guys! Guess what?"

Everyone turns to him and his big smile. "What?"

"Oh Sehun is here! At Seoul!"

Many of them gasp in shockness; even Jeonghwa gives loud 'what' and then looks so excited. "He's here? Since when?"

"I didn't ask that detail from his assistant. By the way, that assistant is the one who called. I sent him our invitation but since he was on some kind of important meeting or seminar, his assistant couldn't really predict that he could come or not. Just now, he called me and stated that Sehun would come to this place because he was at Seoul!"

People begin to speak and anticipate. "So he does come?"

"Wow, it has been thirteen years since we last saw him, right?"

"Will he still have that orange hair color?"

"Silly, we are adult now! He should not be looking like that again!"

"Have you known that he is on the way of succeeding his father? Last time I saw him mentioned in economy magazine. He did not have that orange hair again."

"That article said that he had home in America and France, right?"

"Yeah, but he stated that he wasn't living permanently due to the business."

And so on.

But Sooyoung still is shocked. She can't speak anything other than doing her smile and drinking the water again and again.

She suddenly gets nervous.

"Now that we have to wait for Sehun, should we have another round of drinking and giving toast?"  They all agree and Sanghyuk orders another round. He is rich since his family is rich and he is working now. So it is not a problem for him. Sooyoung drinks again but when she is about to be overboard, Jinwoo stops her.

"No. You can't face him in drunken state."


"I know. I understand. And that's why I suggest you to see him in sober condition. It's the best."

"But what if he--"

"He's still single. As far as I know, that economy magazine never mentioned any woman's name. Not that it is important to be featured at that kind of magazine, but still." He turns to her and smiles. "I take it that you never read economy magazines."

"For what? I have to read patients' charts everyday."

"I am right then. He looks better than his school days. Trust me. My wife said if she weren't married, she could go and offer herself to him. You are in good hands."

Sooyoung frowns. "We have--"

"He did confess to you."

"Oh, stop it! I don't want others to know!"  Jinwoo just smiles knowingly and retreats back as he was whispering with Sooyoung before.

The Boy With The Orange HairWhere stories live. Discover now