Chapter 5: "Sweet, I'm part bionic guys."

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(Credit to whoever drew this above, great art work so props)

Steve's POV:

Bailey got hospital attention and is being held in HQ with the rest of us.

As I wandered through the hallway I heard the news station coming from Wanda's room. As I entered I saw her on her bed, her eyes glued to the TV.

"Many people either dead or missing here today. Witnesses say that members of the Avengers were involved, question is, were they the cause of the blast? Wakada king made a speech today-"

I grabbed the remote and turned it off. Her head slowly turned toward me. "I was watching that." She spoke softly.

"I know. That's the problem." I responded.

She put her head in her hands. "How's Bailey?"

I sighed. "Still in surgery. Tony hasn't left the waiting room. I wasn't planning to either but, wanted to make sure you were okay." I said to her honestly.

Then, Vision came fazing through the wall. He was wearing his regular clothes. "Mr.Stark sent me to alert you all that Bailey is out of surgery."

"Vision, we talked about this. Use the door." Wanda rolled her eyes.

He pointed to the door. "Well it was open so I just assumed..." But he soon gave up. "I'll go, and I'll use the door this time."

I looked at Wanda for some sort of response. "I'll come. I owe her that much." She sighed.

I walked down the hallway with Wanda behind me. We make it to the infermery and met up with Tony.

"How is she?" I asked him.

"Still asleep. Steve she uh, isn't the same as we last saw her." Not meeting my eyes.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"She has a couple of broken rips and one hell of a head ache. Her left leg took the most damage, they couldn't save it."

As he talked I kept my eyes on her. Watching her breathing. She looks so peaceful.

I cut him off. "I have to go see her."

Tony instantly stood up. "Steve let her rest. She's been through a lot."

I hesitated, she soon began to stir. Without thinking I opened the door and rushed to her side.

"Steve?" She asked, keeping my gaze. My heart sped up as she said my name.

"Hey Bail. How you holding up?" Eager for an answer.

I brushed some hair out of her face. "Better. But I feel a little off." She stared down at the blanket that was covering her.

She reached for it. I gently grabbed her hand. "Maybe let's hold off on that. It's not important right now. Just that your okay."

"Steve, what's going on? Why can't I-?" She pulled back the blanket and went silent.

All her expression read was shocked. "How...did this...happen?" She looked to me for answers. But the only thing I could tell her was what the doctors had told me.

"Despite your super strength, as you held up the rubble, some fell and crushed your leg. They couldn't save it Bail. Your right leg."

Tears began to swell in her eyes. I engulfed her in a hug and kissed the top of her head. "What happens now?" She sighed. I bent down and wiped some of her tears away.

"Tony mentioned that if they couldn't save your leg then he'd make you one. That's something to start with." I reassured her.

She nodded. Her eyes began to fill with tears again, I leaned in and gently hugged her not knowing what else to do.

Bailey's POV:

It had been a couple days since the surgery and I wasn't aloud to leave my bed and walk around. I haven't spoken much since I found out the news, well, seeing what happened would be a better way to put it.

Steve had taken the role of my full time care taker. He set a bell by my bed so if I needed something from him he would come running like a dog coming to it's master when called. I had rang the bell multiple times, only to hold Bella and to give her her food.

Since the surgery Tony has been cooped up in his lab up until a couple hours ago. He came in and set something metal and heavy by where me leg should have been, I was sleeping when he did this.

I opened my eyes and saw Tony had pulled off the cover covering my left leg and was attaching something to it.

"Tony? What are you doing? I was trying to sleep." I told him a little irritated.

He broke his concentration. "Hm? Oh don't mind me. You get back to your nap Bail." Then he went right back to what he was doing.

He was covering what he was messing with with a blanket so I couldn't see. "Tony." I groaned.

He ignored me. "Tony." I tried again. Again, he ignored me.

I sighed, time to use my big girl voice. "Tony!" I said loud enough so he'd hear me.

He jumped. "Bailey please, trust me. Your gonna like it. Just please wait." He met my eyes.

I sighed, then nodded. It seems like since my new abilities I've had a shorter temper. "Done. Be careful with it, it's the prototype and don't look at it till I leave K." He kissed my forehead then left the room.

"K." Once he left I quickly threw off the covers and gasped.

It was the same length as my right leg and looked like a copy of it but it was metal. It looked carefully built and had a strong look and feel to it. It glinted in the faint glow of my room.

Tears began to fill my eyes, my vision going blurry. I wiped them away and looked at my door.

I wanna walk. I thought quickly. Suddenly I was filled with this burst of energy and new taste for life I hadn't had in a while. Walking was the only thing I wanted to do.

I looked at the bell beside my bed. I went to grab it but stopped myself. I was gonna do this myself.

No more feeling sorry for yourself. Get up and walk. I rotated myself to where both my feet (Both robotic and non robotic) touched the floor.

I slowly began to stand. A small pain shot up my left leg as I bit back a curse. I steadily moved my right leg, then my left. I repeated this process carefully as I opened my door.

Me walking looked like a gentle hobble. But, as I took each step, my confidence in myself began to slowly come back. I was filled with this new zest for life.

Once I got to the living room/kitchen I opened the fridge and grabbed myself a root beer. Things were very quite. Since being cooped up in my room I hadn't really noticed Thor and Bruce being gone.

I noticed Steve on the couch sound asleep. He was wearing a tight t shirt and baggy pants. His gorgeous blonde hair all messed up. Since my accedent he gave me our bedroom and has been on the couch, Bella was in her bouncy chair asleep. I walked over and picked her up and gently put her in her play crip. I then went and snuggled up next to him.

A/N: Hey guys thanks for baring with me and not forgetting about this story. I have some stuff in the works that you guys will really like so hang on. Updates will be slower so I'm sorry but highschool it hitting me hard but I'm not done with this book. Thanks for having grace with me. I love you all and will see you guys in the next episode also comment what your favorite part of this chapter was it one that kept you in suspense? See you guys in the next chapter, bu bye!

-Lailah 😘

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