Chapter 11

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I get to mine and dads room, then I fall swaying in and out of concesnes...

In the corner of my eye I could see anti running up to me, but he was flung backwards into the wall and then was smashed through the floor. I was surrounded by code and then I blacked out. Again.

~~time skip~~

I woke up and I was in a video game. But not any old video game. I was in donkey Kong. I yell out for dad. No response. I try to walk but I am frozen to the spot. Fear. That is all I am feeling. Hope. I am hopeful that I will find dad. Suddenly, the area I am in lights up and I see a camera.

I hear a robotic, droning voice "antisepticeye if you ever wish to see (y/n) and her father again, you shall go to her room and play my little game. Oh. I almost forgot they will be playing a game too. They are trapped in old arcade games and if they lose all five lives they will be trapped in the game. Forever! Ha ha ha ha ha ha" This voice belongs to the one, the only, Bingsepticeye. The robotic laugh sent shivers down my spine.

Anti pov

I ran up to (y/n)'s room to see her laying on the floor fading in and out of concesness. I ran over to her and I got slammed into the wall and then flung through the floor. Everyone saw me fall. I told them about what happened. Immediately Google ran to me and yelled "anyone that wishes to save miss (y/n) raise your hand."

Most people raised theirs. But Google then said that only the most skilled demons and angels can help.

All I want it to get (y/n) back. She is my Galway girl. (Sorry if your not from Galway it just seemed fitting)

I was part of the team along with dark, Google, light, glitch and Demon. We knew the base inside and out.

I just want to get her back. I love (y/n), she is the woman I have been waiting for my whole life.

(y/n) pov

Dad and I have been stuck here for 2 days now. We have gone from game to game.

Bing said if we complete every game he has befor Anti gets here he will let us go. But I thing he is a filthy lier.

I have one game left to Finnish.      Pac-man!!

That game took dad 7 hours to finnish and I wish to be out tonight and find Anti.

I have a feeling this game isn't what it was when dad played.

~~time skip~~

I sprinted around the whole course in under 4 hours. I had finally completed it and I was being teleport, hopefully Bing had kept his side of the deal and I was on my way home!!

When the pixels  (when Bing teleported it is pixlated) cleared I was in my bedroom but the hole in the floor was gone. As I went to leave the room, the door handle zapped me.

Anti pov

We know that Bing has her and Angel. What we need to do is some how break into bing's lair and find where he is keeping them. I went to her room. The last place I saw her. I tried to open the door but the handle zapped me. Then a note slid under the door.

(Y/n) pov

I went to my desk and wrote a note saying:

Dear reader,

Hey I know this is old skl but there is know other way to talk to whoever is on the other side of the door. It's (Y/n). Idk who is reading this but please help me. I think I'm in my bedroom.  If your reading this slide a note under the door and tell me who you are.


I just hope some one got my note.

Anti pov

The note was from (Y/n). She is on the other side of the door. But the problem is I can't get to her. The handle zaps me every time I touch it. I've sprinted to the spare room and wrote a reply to (Y/n)'s note.

I hope it is (Y/n) anyway that sent the note. If not then I am in a shit load of trouble.

The note said:

Hey (Y/n),

It's Anti. What happened after u and Angel were kidnapped? Where did you go? Is Angel with you? I have so many questions.

I love you and miss you.


I slid the note under the door for her. I need to try talking to her telepathically (in her/your mind) and see what us going on.But the power keeping her in is messing with my telepathy. She must gave tried getting through to me by now and the notes are the only way of talking to the outside world.

I flew down the stairs. Once I saw dark, Google, light, glitch and demon I told them what had just happened. Demon is the most powerful out of all the ipliers and septiceyes so he could probably talk to (y/n).

What he is gonna do is make it possible for me to talk to (y/n) telepathically.

"Let's do this." I just can't wait to talk to (y/n).

(y/n) pov

I just saw a note slide under my door. IT WAS FROM ANTI!!!!!! I've missed him soooooooooo much.

Suddenly I hear a voice in my head. His voice.

"(y/n) can you hear me?"

"Anti where are you?"

"I'm on the other side of your bedroom door. (y/n) is Angel with you?"

"No he's still stuck in the video games in Bing's lair. But he could appear in hear at any moment."

"What happened to you and Angel anyway?"

"I don't know. I was knocked out and when I came too I was stuck in an arcade game."

"Guys, you are gonna have to hurry things up. We doubt have much time."

"Who was that?!"

"Sorry that was Demon. He's helping us save you two."

"Who is us Anti?"

"You'll see when we save you. We are just trying to figure out how. We've got to go. Love you. Bye."

"OK. Love you too. Bye"

Anti pov

Then we lost connection with her. We will get you out, I promise. Just as we are about to leave. We all hear a scream come from (y/n)'s room. My demonic blood curdles.

I know that scream. Its (y/n)...

Here are some cool peeps

Peace out my funky monkeys

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