Chapter Seven - 'Stupidity'

Start from the beginning

Eve laid in the bed, turning her body around to face him. She bit her lip, praying that he would wake up soon. With that, she slowly fell asleep.


Eve woke up to Murphy screaming, his body shaking and shivering with the blanket kicked to the bottom of the bed. “Murphy!” She exclaimed, literally jumping out of the bed and taking one long stride to his. He shook violently in the bed, and was sweating with his hair sticking to his forehead.

She engulfed him in her arms, holding him tightly. “Murphy, it’s okay!” He calmed down slightly, his limbs relaxing. She panted slightly, having just woken up and had a slight adrenaline rush.

“Eve?” She heard a weak whisper from below.

“Murphy?” She stared down at him, and his eyes were wide open. “Murphy!” She exclaimed, wrapping him in her arms. He seemed slightly shocked, but wrapped both his arms around her tightly.

It finally hit her at that moment. He was alright. He was going to live. He wouldn't die. She felt the tears brimming in her eyes, but she fought them. She hadn't let any tears fall since her mother's death, she had to stay strong now. She had to.


Murphy could feel the rope getting tighter around his neck, like a snake slithering its way around his throat. Even though he had been cut down not even seconds before, he still felt like he was being strangled to death.

Though his vision was slightly blurred, almost as if he was in a daze, he could still see Finn standing over him in a defensive stance. At that point, he looked like he was ready to attack anyone who came near Murphy. Once Finn had cut the rope from Murphy's neck, he took a deep breath.

By then, Bellamy and Clarke had already taken Charlotte and ran. Why did Bellamy want to kill Murphy, but wanted to protect the real murderer?

Suddenly, the image changed. Instead of seeing a blurred Finn, he now saw Bellamy's bloody face in front of him, nearly in darkness. Even then, Murphy could still see that sick grin on his face. "Because you deserve to die." He hissed.

It reminded Murphy of what had happened at the cliff, where Bellamy had beaten Murphy badly and started screaming at Clarke that Murphy "deserved to die". Yet another scene that gave him nightmares.

The last thing he saw was Bellamy's bloody and marred fist going towards Murphy's face.

Murphy woke up shivering and shaking. He was covered in sweat, with his hair now sticking to his forehead. He was shirtless as well, with only cargo pants covering his body.

"Murphy, it's okay!" He heard a familiar person yell. It took a moment for him to realize that 

"Eve?" He said weakly, his voice cracking slightly.

"Murphy?" She whispered, looking down at him as he stared up at her. Thank god she was alright. "Murphy!" She exclaimed, hugging him tightly. It hurt his arm slightly, but he didn't care. He loved the feeling of having her in his arms. He hugged her close to him.

She pulled away, and stared down at him, her eyes watery. She rubbed at them quickly. "W-Why would you do that?" She whimpered.

He stayed silent, not sure what to say to her.

"Why would you save me? You knew this would happen." She kept her eyes off his face, and it took him a moment to realize that she was staring at his bandaged arm.

"Because..." He whispered.

"That's not a good enough answer." She said, then looked shocked after she did. "I'm sorry... You have to rest."

"Eve, I-" He started to say as she stood up, and he grabbed her hand. His limbs were barely moving when he told them to, so he was shocked that his uninjured arm was actually able to move. She turned around, staring down at him.

"Stay... Please." He said, pleading with her. If she left, he'd fall asleep again... And the nightmares only left when he was with her.

She stared down at him for a moment, her eyebrows furrowed. She sighed, before grabbing a chair from the other side of the room and setting it down beside the bed.

"What happened?" He asked her.

"I was inside one of the rooms looking at some of the damage... The fire was in front of the room before I could stop it. You came in after me, and got badly burned. You had inhaled more smoke than I had." She paused for a moment. "You collapsed when you got out, and you've been unconscious ever since."

"How long ago was that?" He asked, confused. How was she perfectly healed by now? She had a lot of burns when she was in the building.

"A week ago. You were kind of in a coma-like state... Your body didn't react well to the smoke, and it was almost like it shut down for a while." She frowned.

"Well, that doesn't matter." He smiled weakly. "You're alright, that's all that matters."

She stared up at him with a look of guilt on her face, parting her lips to speak, but Murphy beat her to it.

"I went after you for a reason, Eve. I care about you, more than you know. I couldn't lose you, especially not like that. And- And I know that you think it was stupid, but-"

She suddenly leaned forwards, pressing her lips against his. He jumped slightly, shocked. He felt fireworks throughout his entire body, and he could barely move. It was almost like he was frightened that he would ruin it if he did. He loved the feeling of her lips against his, it felt like they fit together perfectly. The realization came to him like a wave. He cared about her, and she cared about him. He wasn't sure if it was love yet, but he knew that they had a connection. Each of them needed the other, and for now, they had one another.

It was over before he could react, with her pulling away. However, he still felt her warm breath against his face. He slowly opened his eyes, staring at her.

She reached forwards, resting her hand on his cheek. With a soft smile, she spoke again, staring at him with a look of admiration in her eyes, and taking his hand in hers. "Your so called 'stupidity' saved my life. Remember that."



I have to admit, that last scene has to be my favourite that I have written as of now in this book. :) I was grinning when I wrote it. 



Yeah that's good. :P 

And also, I was thinking that maybe we could start setting goals? How about 10 reads and 1 vote on this chapter until the next update? 

Share the story with all your fellow Harmoners. :) It will give them Murphy feels.



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