chapter three

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I'm depressed....
Damn I woke this morning I didn't even felt like breathing... I missed my boy.... Ex boyfriend,John.  My mom woke me up n I didn't feel like going to school. I faked a smile n walked past her went to the bathroom, I did my hygiene applied some makeup since my face was puffed. I don't blame it thou I've been crying all night long. I wore my black short with some sexy top which is a white net. And wore sandals. I took my handbag and my phone, and went down stairs only to find mom had prepared breakfast but I wasn't hungry. I gave her a cold smile and she nod its like we communicated by minds... As I was walking to the bus stop Sky Parker parked his car in front of me. He lowered the window and said,"you want a ride." I wasn't in the mood for him.. He made me feel sick, I haven't known him that much but now I know he's annoying." No Parker thank you." This guy is such a pain in the ass. He came out of his car, he came closer to me till there was no space in between us, his ascent....(breath taking) his eyes were as blue as the ocean. He had his white T-shirt with some black skinny ripped jeans. I couldn't stop myself to stare at those juicey lips. "I'm not taking no as an answer." He picked me up bridal style, thank goodness nobody saw that. He placed me on the passenger seat, he went on the driver's seat and started driving, "wasn't that easy?" He smirked at his own statement Question. "Andy..... I wanna show you something." He said. I didn't have energy for all of this, I replied, "I don't wanna go anywhere else. I wanna go to school" I said this on a sad tone. He quickly realized that I wasn't in the mood, he pulled over and looked deep in my eyes and said,"what's wrong bunny? Talk to me" I couldn't talk than all of the sudden I felt tears rolling down my small face. He wiped my tears and you could see the sorrow and worry in his face."I don't wanna talk about it Sky. Plus you are a stranger I can't just tell you what's worrying me and what's not. Ive known you for 24hrs and yet you act like we've known each other ever since....Its not like you care or something. "I yelled. " I care",is all he said. And I started crying out loud. Does he really care or he's simply saying this in order to comfort me. He opened the door and he came to me and open my door, "I know you don't know me that much neither do I know you, but you're so different.. You didn't fall for my tricks, I couldn't get you to fall for me in one day, that shows me how different you are, and I would like to explore you."  I shifted away from him and said,"I don't have time for all of this right now I'm facing a lot Sky.. So please leave me alone, take me to school." "Look at you.. You're a mess you need to rest, yesterday you were fresh, today you are dull, its like you haven't slept the whole night." He said this and I wanted to disagree but I knew that he was right. "Yeah Hy"
"I'll take you and after school I'll drive you home. Is that OK with you?" I nod. He drove and I felt asleep and slept on the car.

I woke up next to some one, and when I realized it.... It was Sky Parker and he was staring at me, "you're so cute when you're sleeping." I sat up straight, and said,"so you've been busy staring at me these past few hours" he nod... He looked so cute when he nods."And guess what Bunny?" I smiled at the sweet nickname he's given me, "What?" he leaned closer to me and said, "you're beautiful." I leaned closer too and said, "I know Hy" I simply smirked. He came closer till our lips literally touched, he held me by my waist. I got tempted and started responding to the kiss, he pulled my bottom lip, I couldn't control it, I moaned a lil. He smirked through our kiss, I pulled his t-shirt. He placed small kisses on my jaw line, he grabbed my boob and I moaned,"John.... Aah" quickly Sky stopped. Then I realized what I've done. I got shy didn't know what to do,"please take me home."is all I managed to say. "Who's John?" I expected that question. "Non of your damn business", I said and started crying. He gave me a bear hug, his hug reminded me of dad.. " It's okay if you don't wanna talk about it. " he said. After a long warm hug, we went downstairs and that's when I realized I was in a mansion, there were chandeliers, fancy couch, many unneeded T.Vs . he took me to his favorite place in the house that is his chilling room. It's also fancy. "Do you like it?" I smiled and nod. We played video games, "my girlfriend would never play video games with me not even in million years to come", he said. I smirked and asked," why? Coz video games are fun". "I don't know." We went to the kitchen and ate chocolate and sandwiches, "lord you've got a huge appetite", he said. " it's because I'm stressed ",I said honestly. Then there was a knock on the door, I wonder who it was.. Sky went to check, and then I recognized a bitchy voice, and then hell revealed Lisa's skinny face." What is this low life doing here?" She asked. I couldn't let her disrespect me like that so I replied, "You better mind your mouth or I'll smack your flat face, anyways bye Sky." Lisa couldn't believe what she just heard, she tried to slap me but Sky held her wrist, "No Lisa! You'll never hurt Andy."said Sky. Wow did Sky just said that to his psycho girlfriend." Get out Lisa", said Sky. "What?"even miss psycho girlfriend couldn't believe this. She opened the door and left. " please stay", he begged

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