"There's a natural chemistry..."

"Best friends since they met in high school..."

"Evan is so cute, he should totally make a channel."

"Zoe and Evan are goals omg"

Zoe's eyes lift from her laptop, tracing across the room and landing on Evan. She knew that he'd take the comment section by storm. They're always enjoyable to read through, the outpouring of support and comments. Most notably covering her latest comment section is about her newest video with Evan.

"You're a hit, Evan."

"What?" He looks up from his book, confused.

"I said, you're a hit." Zoe folds her legs up onto the sofa and gestures for him to come over. Tentatively, Evan does; she watches his face far more than the screen as she scrolls through. He's nondescript aside from the flicker of unmistakable stunned happiness that brightens his eyes.

It had taken her almost a full week to convince him to join her for a video. Every time she so much as mentioned 'her roommate Evan', her fans filled the comments section asking for him to be in one. Myriads of excuses had come up every time she tried to rally him to make one with her. Zoe did not acquiesce; despite all that he said, she knows that the only thing that will help him get out of his shell will be too see that he doesn't have to hide behind the camera.

Evan couldn't resist Zoe for long; he had sighed slowly, dug his hands into his pockets and finally mumbled an agreement to join her.

She didn't tell him after filming but despite his quietness during the video, she noticed that he has a strong presence on screen. A certain unassuming, gentle manner when hesitantly speaking to the camera that makes someone stop to listen to what he has to say.

Zoe points her finger at the screen. "See all the great comments? People love you, Evan."

"Oh, please."

Zoe smiles indulgently. "How can they not? I'm getting a zillion tweets asking if you're single now."

His lips twitch upwards in a timid but relieved smile. "It wasn't so bad, I mean, it was kind of just like us being us and talking. Except we filmed it this time."

Zoe shuts the laptop, tilts her head at him expectantly. "So will you completely turn me down if I asked you to be in another one with me soon?"

He deliberates before giving her the answer that she wants.


Two minutes and fifty seconds.

Two minutes. Fifty seconds.

"That's as long as your video has to be," Zoe promises from behind the camera, focusing the lens away from the floor and Evan's bouncing knee. Steadying the lens on his face, she sees his doubtful expression. "That's plenty of time to introduce yourself, say a few things and end the video."

Evan extends a reaching hand towards her, despite being separated by the glaring light and camera in his face. "Why can't you be in this with me?"

"Because this is not about me," Zoe replies calmly and logically. "Just be your lovely self and it'll be fine."

"I don't know what to say," Evan objects.

Zoe doesn't have to answer. She knows that he will find the words. He always has before.

And he does now.

The camera switches on and Zoe encouragingly smiles at him from behind it. Evan draws courage from this gesture. Clearing his throat, he fights down the tightness in his throat and hears himself begin to speak.

Latch {a Zoevan Vloggers/Youtubers!AU fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now