Chapter 2 - Departure

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Phillip Hamilton was a cautious kid.

He always listened to his mentor, aka his brother Alexander.

He made sure not to use too much energy when practicing simple healing magic.

Yet, he still wandered outside the kingdom borders.

He didn't really mean too, see there where some pretty flowers he wanted to get for his 'Ma, and they where just a short distance from the gate. And so he ventured out to get them, and he found more. So eventually he found himself in the woods, a good distance away. He could still hear the muffled sounds of the kingdom, yet he couldn't see it.

And as he was picking flowers, he didn't notice the creature in the dark. There in the shadows lay a manticore, eyes glinting as it watched the boy.

Slowly, silently, it crept forward. Then suddenly it pounced, landing squarely on Phillip's back and knocking him down. He felt a sharp pain as his head as he hit the ground, and from there it was more or less a blurr. He was faintly aware of a stinging sensation somewhere on his body, and muffled noises. Then it kind of faded into  nothing but a heavy silence.

Being unconscious was weird. It was kind of a disorienting blurr of memories and dreams mixed in with muffled noises from reality. Though, you can't really make sense of anything for a while, it just kind of is. When you start to wake up though, you can sort of focus a bit more. One thing is for sure though, you can feel it.

As Phillip finally regained consciousness, the first thing he felt was the hard ground he was curled up on. The second was that it was rather cold. The third he felt as he attempted to move, a searing pain across his back and hip. He let out a soft yelp, eyes flickering open.

He was in a rather dark room- or cave, rather. His hands drifted to his sides, met with a cloth of sorts, as well as a spike of pain where he touched. Letting out a light hiss he looked around, but couldn't make anything out. It was still to dark.

So the small healer settled on curling up and shutting his eyes tight, hoping it was a dream and he was really still home in bed. Slowly, he drifted into a fitful sleep, leaning against a stone wall.

A few hours later, Phillip awake to the soft filtering of light in through a hole in the ceiling, as well as from the entrance. Hoping to find a way home, he stood and leaned against the wall. After a few steps he realized that trying to walk was not, in fact, a good idea.

Slumping back to the floor he huffed, looking around once more. Suddenly, he caught sight of a pair of soft yellow eyes from a dark corner of the room. Startled, he jumped and studied it more closely. Drawing his hands closer to himself, Phillip spoke out in a wavering voice, "I-is anyone t-there?" He winced at the stutter in his voice, shaking slightly.

The shadows seemed to move as a figure shifted, a head arose from the corner with those yellow eyes trained on him. Phillip shrunk back as the creature moved forward, Royal purple scales shimmering. As it stood above him, his mouth couldn't help but gape. Phillip Hamilton was staring at a dragon. An actual dragon. And a dragon was staring right back at him.

//This is a relaively short chapter but the next one should be longer :')

Hope you like!!//

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