Chapter 1

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~-~-~Emily POV~-~-~

Flash back/Dream

Emily’s mother: Doctor what are you injecting into me its glowing sliver and blue.

Doctor: Oh it’s just to help the baby.

Ha my mum was stupid. 1 that isn’t a real doctor it is a crazy scientist. 2 That is the liquid that turn your little princess Emily into what I am today anyway continuing

------Mother giving birth-------


Real doctor: What the ….. it has cat ears

-little Emily comes out not fully human YAY (sarcastim)-

Fake doctor/scientist: My experiment worked *creepy ass grin*

-Nurse calls 999 then washes the babe and hands the baby to the doctor-

Real doctor: Miss Mystogan your daughter seems to have a tail, ears and wings.

Mother: What?!

Fake doctor/scientist: Yeah she will have black cat ears, white feathered wing and a grey furry tail.

Real doctor: um we can dispose of it?

Dad(he was standing at the side shocked the whole time till now): No we shall keep her.

-2 Police charge in and handcuff the scientist-

Police woman: You are under arrest for illegal experiments on humans.

-Police man looks at the baby-

Police man: aww she is cute with her ears and tail. Weird. There fully covered in fur and she has long purple hair. A well were all special.

-Looks at my father- what’s her name?

Father + Mother say together: Emily.

Police woman: I’ll take him straight to the jail for insane people.

Fake doctor/scientist: Lead the way Ma’am

-The police woman takes the scientist away-

Mother: Let me hold her.

Real Doctor: First let us take some tests and scans to see if she is healthy and if she will grow any other body parts.

Yeah I’m Emily with the wings, ears, and tail. The scientist was put in the jail for 5 years when he died so we won’t see him again.

I am a special. The stuff that the scientist injected into my mother went straight into me and made me grow these extra body parts .

I kinda like it.

I was perfectly healthy and wouldn’t grow anything extra I am just half cat and the wings bit the doctors couldn’t figure it out apart from that I wouldn’t be able to fly.

Fun fact it you tickle my ears I’ll make a kind of purring sound. Pull my tail and I’ll hiss and I will try to murder you until I calm down.

I’m now 17 and I am your normal girl not to girly girl and not a full tomboy. Sure I do use my skate board a lot.

I also get home schooled which is amazing but I have no real friends. Now that doesn’t mean I have no friends at all. No I have a lot of friends, online friends that I youtube with.

Oh yeah I am a gamer, I play minecraft and Bioshock mostly.

My friends are Adam, Ty, Ian, Jerome, Jason, Mitch, Ryan, Jimmy, Quieten, Dotaka, and Jordan. Also known as the famous Team Crafted.

My fans have never seen me. Well neither have the boys. Now I don’t stay at home all day every day. Skate boarding in a house is practically impossible. I just don’t want hate from my fans or to be friendless. A well.

Though outside I don’t hide my additive body parts. I don’t really have to hide my wings as they fold up and under a top. My tail however I just let out as it tickles me and drives me mad if I try to hide it. I love my ears. Sure I have 4 ears and I could hear for the world. I live in Bristol btw.

So yeah life is great. Game 10 hours school for 4 and eat then sleep . That was my day. Most of the time at least. I went skating most days for like 2 hours which I added in my gaming time.

So yeah. Some people would kill for my life….

I sure as hell wouldn’t. Look at me I’m a mutt. A messed up bitch. I am like the mongrel of the human race. The only one. I have no one to help me.

 I just put on this happy mask when in real life I’m dying inside.

 When I see people staring at me like I am a freak. I hear them call me names. Weirdo, crazy, insane, ugly, fat, stupid, and crazy cat girl.

They don’t even know me! If I died they wouldn’t give two shits. But my fans keep me alive. But they would be like the rest. In the comments it would just be hate. Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Maybe I should kill myself.

    End of dream/flashback

I wake up crying. I look around my minecraft decorated room. I see a knife across the room.




don’t kill me ;n;




READ (um obviously duh)






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