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Strongest word in the English dictionary
Thousands of meanings but which is really right?
Theres never a clear explanation unless you meet the one
The one who you look at and just know
Hes the one I want to end up with
Hes the one I want to the marry and raise my children with
Hes the one Id kill for
Hes mine and no one can have him
I thought id never understand the true meaning of love until I met him
Jorge blanco ❤️
Wish someone had been there to tell me the real definition of love before it was too late.
Before my time was over.
This is the story of how I met Jorge Blanco
More importantly this is the last story ill ever tell
Because this is the story of how I died
//Martinas POV :
Mum:"Wake up Martina your flight leaves today and we need to spend some family time before you and Ruggero go off to your first year of college"she said getting teary-eyed
Me:"5 more minutes please Let me sleep!" I yelled pretty sleepy since I slept at 5 yesterday
Mum:"you've said that for an hr now so wake up its 13:00"She said getting impatient
Mum:"Alright I've had enough I'm bringing the water " she said running downstairs
Me:"Fuckk!" I said running out of bed into my bathroom as I heard my mum laughing on the stairs
(A/N This is me everyday I sleep really late at like 6/7am and forced to wake up in the morning around 4 on weekends and half terms 😂😂 it's currently 5:01 am that I'm writing this and you guys might not believe me but I swear it's true)
I went to the toilet and peed, brushed my teeth washed my face quickly and fixed my hair since it was an absolute mess and my baby hairs were all over the place.My hair was still a bit wet from my shower yesterday night but it was mostly dried up and i didn't mind. I walked out the bathroom and run downstairs being greeted by my mum , dad and brother
Dad Ruggero and Mum:"Morning Tini"
Me:"Morning,mmm whats that smell its delicious 😋" i said licking my lips as my mum came back with chocolate pancakes (my favourite)
Me:"Yaaassssssss ilysm" I squealed whilst i ate my pancakes with them
Ruggero:"yess me too"He said getting a fork and sticking it into part of my pancake
Me:"Bitch get your own" I said as they all laughed and mum came back with a story plate for Ruggero
Ruggero:"Hah mum already made me pancakes don't need yours enjoy it you cow"
Me: "I will you..."
Dad:"Come on guys this is meant to be our last family dinner together , do one thing and don't start a fight just this once please" he asked as i sighed
Me: "ugh fine just get his face away from me I feel like imma vomit 🤢"
Ruggero:"Real funny Tini Is that what you would normally say when mum and dad aren't around" he smirked as I shot him a death glare
Me:"1.stfu and 2.If we wanna discuss what happens when mum and dad aren't here how about we fill them in on what happened last week" I smirked as his eyes widened
Mum:"I think thats enough of that Now go and get ready your flight is at 5 and we will leave at 2 because it will take us one hour to get there so go and get ready we'll leave in half an hr" She said as we nodded and went to make sure we got everything
Now this isn't just we are going on holiday for a week,me and Ruggero and moving out the house so we need everything and one thing forgotten here and ill have to wait for 2 weeks to get it which is why I cant be distracted at all whilst I pack
// time skip (at the airport)
Mum:"Tini I'm going to miss you so much Please call us and come visit don't forget about us and don't miss behave please" She said whilst crying
Me:"Mum ill call you and dad everyday and once we land and we'll visit every time we get the chance I promise and its not me you should worry about misbehaving" I laughed nudging Ruggero
Mum:"Your right.Rugge you behave and you better look after your little sister alright anytime shes introuble, you'll be there alright?" She said in a serious tone as Rugge nodded and laughed at how protective she was
Mum:"And same for you Tini you look after him we don't know what hell do under the bad influence" She said as we all laughed
Ruggero:"Mum Im not a kid anymore I can look after myself " he whined as we laughed
Dad:"Yes but still its good for someone to be there for you even if you don't want them there"
Microphone:Can passengers boarding on flight B13 to (Once you choose the country ill edit it) please make their way to the gate
Me:"Well thats us , gates close in an hour and we have to go through checkout so we should be there pretty early just incase something goes wrong"
Mum:"okay sweetheart , Kids behave we love you so much and we will miss you so much" She said crying as Dad nodded and we all did a family hug
Rugge:"We love you to and we wont" He said making us all laugh
Dad:"I love you kids , and don't forget don't do drugs!" He said making us laugh
Me:We love you goodbye see you soon" I said hugging and kissing them as i took my passport and boarding ticket and walked off to the baggage drop off with Ruggero
Once we got to the security checkout, i waved and gave my parents an air kiss before heading through the monitor ,luckily it didn't beep so I didn't have to take off my shoes
//Timeskip (In the plane)
Me and Ruggero just sat on our seats with him next to the window seat because he dibbsed it before I had the chance too and some stranger next to me Cant lie he looked really handsome and really cute too.I buckled my seatbelt put my phone on airplane mode set a film on the little tv screens which was then paused by the captain speaking telling us we are going to take off in 5 minutes
I quickly turned my phone off airplane mode and texted my mother to tell her we are on the plane so her and dad wouldn't worry and got a text right after saying 'Safe flight honey We love you ' I smiled told her I love them to and put my phone back on airplane mode and waited for takeoff
We were in the air and the seatbelt sign turned off so Ruggero quickly went to pee before the queue was to long as the flight attendant with drinks came over to our row
Flight attendant:"For you sir?"
Handsome boy:"Umm ill have a coke please" He smiled nicely to her which she blushed Ugh wink at me dickhead
She gaves him the drink and asked me what I wanted
Me:Uhh ill have Fanta please and he would like a coke I said pointing to where Ruggero was sitting before he left
She smiled and gave me ohr drinks as I sipped some and put it on the tray.I put my headphones in and resumed my film and waited for food to arrive
It was now nighttime and the lights were switched off as most people were beginning to sleep so I decided to sleep on my brothers shoulder as I was still very sleepy. I woke up hearing the women calling me,handing my food over and she gave me Rugges and the boy next to me so they wouldn't have to wake up . I placed them on the trays and quickly peaked at the hoy sleeping next to me uhh he's so cute when he sleeps 😍 I woke up Ruggero and we started eating .
We were going to land so we all put our seat belts on and waited to land. Once we landed it was 7:00pm and mine and Rugges college was 2 hours from here so we'd be there on time because it starts at 10:35 Well mine does , his lessons starts at 11:00 ughh!!
We went through security and baggage reclaim and then headed on the bus that took us to our college and surprisingly the boy next to me was om the bus aswell.Who knows maybe hell be in the same year as me ☺️ or even better, same classes 😫.After a long journey we arrived at our college , took our suitcases and went inside.
Rugge:"Wow. This is big how do people know they're way round?"
Me:"Exactly what I was thinking,My first class starts in 30 minutes so I better get to my dorm to meet my roommates Bye enjoy!" I said making my way to my dorm as Rugge waved at me
Shit.Roommates Ive seen movies and shows where theres always a bitch that bosses everyone around Please God let me have nice roommates
I walked inside my room being greeted by 4 girls who seemed really happy and bonding just well
Red head: "Eeehhh!! New roommates!" Thank God theyre friendly
Me:"Hi, Im martina but you can call me Tini" I said as they nodded and started introducing themselves
Red head:"Nice to meet you Tini, im Cande, your new roommate"
Curly black haired: "Im Alba,nice to meet you!" she said excitedly
Straight black haired:"Im lodovica but you can call me Lodo"
Blonde:"Im Mercedes,Call me Mechi" she said as I nodded
Me:"So what classes do you guys have? mine starts in about 25 minutes"
Cande:"Well we found out we all have the same classes just before you got here so im assuming you do to and thats why we share the same room.We have fashion class with Miss Kendall"
Me:"Great so do i!" I said as we all squealed ,as girls do,
Alba:"We still have about 25 minutes,should we go to the cafe to eat some breakfast?" She asked as we all nodded
Me:"Great lets start I was on the plane all day and the food was nasty" I said as they laughed
We were making our way downstairs when I decided to quickly check on Ruggero to see if he made friends and who he's sharing rooms with and told them to wait for me downstairs. I knocked on Ruggero's door and a familiar looking face answered.It was the cute guy who sat next to me on the plane ... AND HE WAS SHIRTLESS EEEHH!!
Me:"Uh sorry is Ruggero in? He told me this is dorm" I said kinda shy but i,couldn't help not lookimg at abs
Guy:"Umm you just missed him he went down to eat breakfast, he's your boyfriend am I right? I saw you guys on the plane and bus"
Me:"Oh fuck no 😂 hes my brother"
Guy:"Oh shit sorry.I just saw how you were in the plane and well you came looking for him so I assumed you weren't dating. Uh Jorge btw" he said shaking his hand out
Me:"Martina,nice to meet you." I smiled trying not to drool over his shirtless body 😫😍
Jorge:"Your going down to eat right?
Me:"Uh yeah.My next class starts in about 20 minutes and my friends are waiting for me downstairs"
Jorge:"Okay one second" He went in and came back fully covered ☹️ I couldn't help but frown,quickly hiding it hoping he wouldn't notice
He chuckled
Too let for that I guess Great Martina justtt great
We made our way down as I decided to ask him questions
Me:"Sooo How old are you?" I asked trying to get to know him better
Jorge:"Well not looking for a girlfriend right now Sorry" He said as I rolled eyes
Me:"Im not flirting dickhead" I said slapping him as he chuckled
Jorge:"Well you just met me and your asking me how old I am and you drooled over me " Oh god he noticed
Me:"Its called being friendly" I rolled my eyes "And anyways why aren't you looking for a girlfriend? Already committed?"
Jorge:"Uh not its ..." He was cut off by none other then Ruggero,Great
Rugge:"Jorge come sit over here!" He screamed from halfway across the room
Jorge:"We'll continue this later" He said winking as left
Oh God
The handsome boy I met yesterday fucking knows my name ,talked to me and he winked at me!!!! OH AND I SAW HIM SHIRTLESS! And we haven't even started our first lesson
Could this day get any better?

Well guys thats all for this chapter, hope you like it and I made this long because its my first chapter of this book and I wanted you guys to like it but anyways its just a little filler.Drama will come but I mean theres hardly any drama in the first couple of chapters so your just going to have to wait.Thank you for reading and dont forget to vote and comment It means alot to me 😘💞
2264 words
~Rania 💍

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2017 ⏰

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