Emily shook her head no. "No, everything is perfect Rory. I'm just so incredibly happy to be here for you today and that you included me."

Rory could feel some tear gathering in her eyes at her grandmother's declaration. "Grandma, I can't think of anyone else that I want to be here."

While the words were true, Rory couldn't help but also wish that her mother was at the wedding as well. Having her mother at her wedding was something that Rory always assumed would happen. It had never entered her mind that her mother wouldn't be with her because Rory wasn't sure she could trust her. And that's really the reason she hadn't been invited. Rory knew that if given the chance, her mother would blab everything to the world at the first chance.

"Well," Emily said, "let's get your wrap and shoes on so we can get downstairs. We don't want to be late!"

Rory grinned and moved to where her shoes were. She carefully placed her shoes on her feet and allowed Emily to drape a wrap over her shoulders. She waited for her grandmother to get her coat and purse and they made their way to the elevator. While walking through the lobby, Rory could feel eyes on her and she felt herself blushing at the scrutiny. She was a little worried about people taking photos, but decided she would cross that bridge when the time came. If someone took a photo, she could always claim that she was roped into doing a photo shoot while in Denmark.

She and Emily settled into the waiting limo and Rory looked out the window while trying to cull the butterflies fluttering in her stomach. Before she realized it, the limo was stopped outside the gardens and Rory saw Richard standing outside waiting for them. He walked up to the car and opened the door for Rory, helping her out. His breath caught in his throat at the site of Rory in her dress.

"Rory.." He gasped, "I don't think I've ever seen anyone more beautiful than you are at this moment."

Rory smiled and tried to control the tears she could feel forming her eyes at her grandfather's words. "Even more beautiful than Grandma on your wedding day?"

Richard chuckled. "For the sake of you and me, I will say yes."

Rory giggled and took her grandfather's proffered arm. They walked up the steps slowly and made their way inside. Once through the doors, a docent was waiting to take Rory and Emily's wraps from them. Once handed off, Emily went through to the Palm Room to wait with Logan. After a few moments passed, Rory could hear Canon in D playing on the in house music system.

She grinned at her grandfather who was looking at her.

"Ready?" he asked.

"In Omnia Paratus," she responded.

They slowly made their way through the glass doors and followed the meandering path to the center of the room. After rounding a few bends, Rory got her first glimpse of Logan and he of her. She grinned when she saw the look on Logan's face. It was everything she could have hoped for. It honestly looked like he couldn't catch his breath. By the time she and Richard reached him, he managed to gather his wits a bit better and was grinning from ear to ear. Upon reaching Logan and the officiant, Rory and Logan couldn't keep their eyes off each other.

She was so consumed by looking at him and happiness, she missed the start of the ceremony and it was just her and Logan. What felt like moments later, Rory and Logan were sharing the first kiss of their married lives. After parting, they both broke into wide grins. They turned to face Richard and Emily and cheered when the officiant introduced them.

They went forward and exchanged hugs with everyone. The photographer quickly gathered them and got some formal and informal shots of all of them and just Rory and Logan. Thirty minutes later, everyone was gathering their coats and wraps and getting into the limo to go to the restaurant they chose for the reception: Restaurant Geranium.

The rest of the evening passed in a blur of laughs and toasts between the four of them. After the dessert was served, Richard and Emily made their excuses and left Rory and Logan alone at the table. They smiled at each other.

"Well, Mrs. Huntzberger, how are you feeling?" Logan asked, smiling at her.

"I am feeling fabulous, Mr. Huntzberger."

They smiled at each other and lightly kissed on the lips.

"What do you say we blow this joint?" Logan asked her.

"Well, all I have to say is: In Omnia Paratus!"

They laughed and gathered their things. They quickly made their way through the restaurant to the waiting car which whisked them back to their hotel. Now that they were married, they were booked into the honeymoon suite. Upon arrival, their bags had already been moved to their new room and unpacked.

Once they were in the room, Logan and Rory faced each other. "So, Mr. Huntzberger, how do you want to spend the next few hours?" Rory asked, coyly.

"Well, I'm sure we'll think of something," he responded.

Rory raised her eyebrow. "Oh, really? And what would that be?"

Logan beckoned to her and said, "Why don't you come over here and find out?"

She stepped closer and Logan pulled her into his arms, kissing her passionately. Upon parting, he turned her around and laughed. "Really, you couldn't get a dress with a zipper?"

Rory laughed as well. "You know me, I have to make life difficult."

"I'll say," he told her as he started to undo them.

Once they were undone, he helped her step out of her dress and place it on a hanger so it wouldn't get wrinkled. He then quickly shed his suit and shirt, leaving them both in just their underwear. He pulled her back to him and kissed her lightly.

"Have I told you how happy I am to be married to you?" he asked.

"Not recently."

"Well, I am incandescently happy to be married to you."

Rory smiled and pulled him into another kiss, this one more passionate than the last one. When he tried to pull back, she just followed his head and traced his lips, asking for entrance. He opened his mouth and their tongues started to tangle with each other. Rory ran her hands over Logan's torso and brushed her fingers over the front of his boxers, feeling evidence of his arousal.

She lightly teased him and smiled to herself hearing him groan. Using that to spur her on, she traced the waistband of his boxers before plunging her fingers inside to fully grasp him. She was only able to get a few strokes in before Logan pulled her hand away and pushed her towards the bed. When her legs hit the bed, Logan steadied her and started to remove her undergarments. He made quick work of her strapless bra, underwear, tights, and shoes. Once she was naked, Logan removed his boxers and pushed her back onto the bed.

He resisted when Rory tried to pull him towards her. Before she could make a sound, Logan pushed her back onto the bed and spread her legs. She watched as he lowered himself and buried his face between her legs. She gasped at the feel of Logan's tongue there and shuddered at what he was doing to her. She was always hyper sensitive to anything below the belt and could tell that it wouldn't take much more to push her over the edge.

Logan must have been able to tell also because he pushed one, then two fingers into her and curled them, hitting just the right spot inside her that made her quickly push over the edge into her first orgasm. Once she finished shuddering, Rory's limbs felt like jello. Logan crawled his way up her body and kissed her, allowing her to taste herself on his lips and tongue. As they kissed, Logan pushed inside her.

Rory gasped at the feel. So close to her previous orgasm and Rory felt like she could feel every inch of Logan inside her as he started to thrust in and out. What started out as somewhat slow love making soon turned into rabid animal sex. Logan was quickly and powerfully thrusting and Rory was meeting him thrust for thrust. Because of their furious pace, Rory quickly found herself in her second orgasm and Logan followed soon after.

He pulled out and collapsed next to Rory on the bed. They lay there, panting for several minutes.

"Well, that's a way to start off married life," Rory quipped once she gathered herself back together.

Logan laughed and pulled her to him. "Well, if that's any indication of what our life will be like, then I certainly can't wait."

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