I Love You

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"Noah, I know she's just trying to help and all, but I still don't trust Ambruh. I get bad vibes from her." I whispered to Noah. It had been two weeks since my encounter with Xavier. Two weeks since I admit my love for Noah. But even though I admit it to myself, I still can't bring myself to tell him. What would he say? Would he say he loved me back? That he wants to be with me as much as I want to be with him? Or would he laugh in my face? Tell me that the first kisses were just a game?

"Look, I've known Ambruh for a while now. And trust me, she's a good person. Perhaps the nicest person I know. Just try to trust her and see the good in her like I do." He smiled, once again reminding me of why I love him. His smile makes me smile. And if he wants me to trust Ambruh, I will.

"Can I-Can I try something?" I asked after a few moments of silence. He nodded and muttered something along the lines of, 'yeah, anything.'

   I leaned in ,so our faces were almost toching. With our lips just inches apart, I smiled. I was really going to do it. I leaned in a bit closer, finally closing the space between us.

   The kiss was short, but despite it's shortness, I felt something. Hope, maybe? I don't know why I kissed him. Maybe to see if he felt the same way about me; maybe I just wanted an excuse to kiss him again.

   I looked down, hiding my face behind my hair. What would he say now? Would he ignore me? The moments after that were the worst thing I've ever gone through, I think. We just sat there for ten long minutes in an awkward silence. I was the first to break the silence.

"Can I tell you something?" He didn't say anything, just nodded. I don't know what gave me the guts to do what I did next, maybe I was just tired of pretending. I had told two other people how I felt, so why not him too?

"I, uh, I love you Noah. I'm in love with you. I think I have since the moment I met you. I remember that night, you were all I could think about, and not because you had just told me about the rebels. There's something about you, Noah. The things you do -even he simplest things- like when you smile or the look you get on your face when you talk about the rebels, make me love you even more. Even on my worst days, you can make me smile by doing the dumbet things. It's the small things that make me love you even more. I love you." I smiled, despite the fact that he might start yelling at me any moment. I mean, I had just confessed my love to him. Would he say it back? Would he get mad?

   He didn't say anything, just leaned forward and kissed me again. The kiss, much like the first, was short and sweet, but filled with so much love, it was better than any kiss we had ever had. I still wonder why he didn't say anything. Was it because he coulddn't trust his voice to work? Or was it because he didn't really love me back but didn't want to hurt me?

   The moment was ruined by Ambruh standing at the doorway, clearing her throat. I quickly moved away form Noah and resituated myself on the couch.

"Ambruh, how long have you been there?" I asked, silently praying it hadn't been long.

"Long enough. I heard what you said, Avory, and it was beautiful. You must really love him." She smiled. But there was something off about the smile. Like she wasn't really happy, she was just pretending. I saw something behind that smile. I saw sadness. And hate.

"I do." Pushing bad thoughts of her out of my mind, I smiled. I have to try to like her, not for myself, but for Noah. I promised that I would try to be nicer and trust her.

"Anyways, there's a reason why I came here. It's about The Society." She sat on the couch next to me and I had to fight the urge to scoot over

"What about them?" Noah asked, now fully compsed from the kiss and getting caught

"Well, they've changed the date they're coming here. They're coming a week earlier."

"But that only gives us one more week to plan and get everyone together!" I shouted

"Thanks for stating the obvious. And it completely ruins our plan. I'm not going to be able to get in there if it's not my birthday. How exactly do you think we're going to get in there now?" She yelled, making me jump. She stood up from the couch and started pacing.

"I don't know." I muttered

"Well, you better think of something! You're supposed to be the leader, so how about you do some leading? Huh? Why is it that Noah and I have been planning everything while you just sit around?"

"Maybe it's because I don't know as much as you guys do! You guys have been part of the rebels for pretty much your whole lives, I've been part of them for a month! You can't expect me to learn all of the things I need to know in a month!"

"Then why are you even the leader? If you're so new to this, then why should you be the leader? What good are you if you don't know anything about the rebels?"

"Well, for your information, Ambruh, if I hadn't come along, you guys would still be back where you started. No one would have had the guts to become the leader. If it weren't for me, you guys wouldn't have even thought about attacking The Society."

   She glared at me, and if looks could kill, I'd be burning in the firery inferno referred to as Hell, as would she. I stood up also, holding my ground. If she was going to say I'm no help, then I'll prove her wrong. I'll think of a plan. A plan better than hers.

"How about you just leave Ambruh? I don't need your help! Come back when you feel like contributing some help to us and not just telling me that I'm no help with this. This is what I've been waiting for for my whole life, and I will not have you here distracting me from it and not succeeding. I don't know about you, but I don't feel like dying any time soon." My voice was ice cold and I could tell it scared her. I think it even scared Noah, and he's not an easy guy to scare.

   She looked down, obviously feeling bad for what she said. I walked over to her and put my arm around her shoulder. Sure, I don't like her, but I'll admit, she does help us and I guess we need her here.

"Look, I'm sorry for what I said. It's just that we've all been fighting for this for so long, but then all of our plans got ruined and I just took it out on the first person I talked to. Can I stay?" She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. Suddenly, I felt horrible.

"Yes, you can stay. Now, let's think of a plan, okay?" We all moved and sat on the couch again, minus Noah. He sat in a chair across from us.

   We all thought for a long time, at least and hour, before I finally spoke up. I had a plan. Not a very good one, but it just might work.

"I have a plan. You said they're coming a week early, right?" I looked at Ambruh; she nodded, "Okay, so that gives us one week to get everything planned. We need to call all the rebels. Every single one of them, we're going to need them. When they get here, I'll fill you in on the rest of the plan, okay? Let's all get to work, we've got ten thousand people to call." I smiled, proud of myself for coming up with a plan. Even if I haven't shared it with them yet, it still made me happy to know that I was the one to think of it, not Ambruh.

   Okay, so it's been ages since I've updated, and for that I'm sorry. Anyways, I've been thinking and I realized that I kind of made Ambruh into a bad guy instead of a good guy like I originally planned. I'd just like to let everyone know that she's no longer based off of my friend, they just have the same name.

   Also, I'm having a bit of trouble thinking of a great plan to take down The Society. If any of you have an idea of what should happen, message me your idea, please! It ould be greatly appreciated. If I end up using your idea, I'll dedicate some chapters to you, my friend will dedicate some chapters to you, and I'll do pretty much anything else you want me to do. Also, I'll give you full credit for the idea.

   And what do you think will happen between Avory and Noah? Does he really love her? Or is he just pretending? And why did Avory see hate and sadness behind Ambruh's smile? Is she hiding something?

   So, now that this chapters done, vote, comment, fan, message me what you think, anything! Hope you liked it :D 

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