Worth It pt.2

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He looked up at the dias, and his heart stopped.

Qibli was so relieved to see the familiar face of Winter standing on the stage-like icy platform, unharmed. So relieved, in fact, that he hadn't realized that the dragons around him had noticed that one of these things is not like the other. He didn't care anymore. He leapt onto the dias and tackled Winter to the ground. He grunted when his back collided with the ice, but was too surprised to pay attention to it. Though, Qibli notices everything he does. Winter opened his eyes. "Qibli?!!" He screeched. "How- what- where- QIBLI!!" The icewing wrapped his wings around Qibli excitedly. "How did you get here!?" Qibli tried to answer but was currently in a bone crushing hug. Winter loosened the hug, burying his snout in Qibli's neck. "I-I flew here." Qibli could feel the blush covering his face. He could also hear something... "FILTHY SANDWING!" "HOW DID IT GET HERE?!" "WHAT IS WINTER DOING!?!??" "KILL IT!!" Qibli snapped back into reality and realized that everyone was staring at them. Winter didn't seem to notice, he was too busy embracing Qibli. Winter whispered something, but with all the yelling, Qibli had no idea what it was. "Winter..." Qibli said worriedly. Winter released him, noticed what was happening, and scrambled out from under Qibli. He stood up, and yelled out into the crowd: "SHUT UP." The sheer volume made Qibli's bones shake. Everyone snapped they're jaws shut instantly. Qibli felt a bit flustered, and also a bit irritated that he ran so fast when he knew they were being watched. Winter glared out at the sea of blurred faces and, evidently, found the one he needed. He hopped off the dias and strutted through the crowd, the dragons making an ally for him, bowing their heads in submission. Qibli stood on the stage awkwardly. Alone. Always, alone. He's used to it by now. To think, someone cared? Not a chance. Why did he come here? What was the point? It's always the same. Winter is no different. There are no exceptions. Even queen Thorn wanted him gone. His queen. Qibli dug his claws into the ice, to keep from digging them into himself. He was snapped out of his reverie when a cold claw wrapped around his left arm. He shook his head and focused on the dragon in front of him. Winter looked expectantly into his eyes and tugged him along, through the crowd. He stopped in front of a large icewing who was wearing a few sparkling pieces if treasure. "My queen. I request- no, I demand that this sandwing be relieved of all punishment, and leave this kingdom with me." The queen smiled at him. It wasn't at all menacing, like Qibli would have expected. "As you wish, Winter."

The flight back was awkwardly silent, besides when they had to communicate on where they were gonna sleep, or what to eat. This had nothing to do with Winter, he was confused about what was wrong with Qibli. But Qibli couldn't get those thoughts from the dias out of his mind. It was true, and that part hurt. No one has ever really cared about him, winter included. He thought winter would be different, but he ended up the same as all the rest. On the second night, Winter couldn't take being ignored by the only person he ever opened up to. "Okay, Qibli. What's wrong? And dont say nothing, because you've been ignoring me for two days!" Qibli sighed. "I don't know.." "You don't know?! How can you not know-" "I DON'T KNOW WINTER!" Qibli yelled, his voice booming in the cave. "I'VE NEVER KNOW WHAT WAS WRONG WITH ME!" Qibli shook his head and placed it in his talons. "I shouldn't yell at you, I'm sorry.  It's not your fault." "It's not?" He whispered, probably trying to calm him down by being quieter. Qibli felt the cold radiating to his left and knew Winter had sat down beside him. "No. Nothing is your fault, nothing ever was your fault, Winter. Meeting you was the only thing that has ever gone right in my life.. probably the only reason I'm still alive at this point..." He whispered the last part, and it was almost inaudible, but Winter caught it. He didn't say anything, just wrapped his wings around Qibli, and pulled him onto his chest. Carefully avoiding his spikes, Qibli nuzzled closer to him. Despite his scales being ten times colder than Qibli's internal body heat, he was comfortable, and soon dozed off. He woke up in relatively the same place he fell asleep, except now Winter was laying flat on his back and Qibli was somehow closer to him. He didn't want to move, but he knew if they didn't get going now, Qibli would pass his deadline. And he didn't need Tsunami all up on him when he got there. Qibli sat up, stretching his wings and yawning. Winter seemed to notice the dramatic drop in temperature, because he bolted upright as well. "We should get going.." Qibli stood, holding a claw out to Winter, who took it in an instant. They flew off the ledge without so much as a backwards glance.

Back at the academy, Qibli skidded to a stop, turning around to see where Winter was- and he ran directly into him. Winter landed in top of him, straightening his arms to keep from crushing Qibli on impact. He looked up at Winter, and smirked. "That was so graceful." Winter snorted at the comment. "Shut it sand sniffer." Winter couldn't hide his smile. "Good to have you back, ice skater."

Soooooo they aren't together yet... sorry... buuut I'm in french and I need to not fail, so I will write more later. Bii ❤

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