Chapter 1 I'm Not a Player

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Hey everybody wideyedreamer here. This is my second story. It's been bouncing around in my head for a while so let me know if you love it, hate it, or want more of it.

You know the drill




Hugz and Kissez


Kyle's POV

"I'm sorry Cara this isn't working out for me." I tried to force down the guilt gripping my heart as I ended my week long relationship. Please don't cry. I hate it when they cry. It only made things more humiliating for both of us. Well mostly her. Sure enough her lip started quivering as tears filled her big brown eyes.


I reached out to touch her shoulder, hopefully to comfort her but she immediately snatched away. Her eyes filled with anger and I immediately felt relieved. Anger was much easier to deal with than crying and begging.

"I should have known better than to date the school player!" She spat before turning on her heels and stomping down the hallway. I waited till her brown hair was out of sight before letting out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. I fought the urge to run after her and tell her she was wrong, that I wasn't a player. But I knew it wouldn't do any good. My reputation was too far gone to even try and save now.

It wasn't my fault really. Me and the girls I dated just never clicked. They were everything a guy could want. Beautiful, funny, entertaining. Most guys would kill to have girls throwing themselves at their feet all the time. But not me. Because no matter who I dated, none of them ever compared to her.


Even thinking about her name was enough to send my heart into a frenzy. You would think after 11 years of of not seeing her or even speaking to her that I would forget our friendship but it hasn't happened yet. I almost wish it would because then dating wouldn't be so hard. And the entire female population of Argonaut High wouldn't hate my guts.

But they do.

I've dated pretty much every girl in my senior class. And not all of them were popular. But they all ended within weeks, most within days.

"Hey Bro!" I felt my body fly forward as a hand pushed me forcefully into my locker.

"Luke, why do you have to be so aggressive all the time. Just relax sometimes man." I grumbled rubbing my now throbbing shoulder.

"All this aggression has to go somewhere. All the sports are over now that school is ending." I shared a sigh with Luke at the thought that school was finally over. We were finally graduating. His blue eyes lit up suddenly as if he remembered something.

" By the way, I passed your latest victim on the way over here. What is your problem bro? Cara was freaking gorgeous. Are or something?"

Sometimes I forget how much of an idiot Luke is. We've been best friends since I moved to California. But his lack of brain power never ceases to amaze me. Probably all the tackling he suffered during our last football season.

"Luke, I don't know how to say this but... yes I am gay. I'm actually in love with someone very close to me." I paused for dramatic effect, and noted the wariness in Luke's demeanor.

"Don't worry Lukey, it's not you. It's your Dad. I'm sorry. I've wanted to say something for so long." I was barely able to catch the fist he sent towards my stomach.

"Kyle, you almost had me for a second." He glared at me as I burst into laughter.

" should have s-seen your f-face." Luke was fighting a smile, I could tell. It wasn't long before he was laughing with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2012 ⏰

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