You shouldn't have come

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It was a windy, silent night so quiet that you could hear the three girls racing hearts, as they stood at the gate surrounding an old deserted hospital. They hesitantly stared at each other before nodding and taking small steps toward the rusty old gate. With a groan of protest, the door opened allowing the girls to explore the unknown.

They had heard dreadful tales of phantoms haunting the hospital and the apparition of twins roaming the halls. The first girl boldly stepped forward and beckoned the other girls to follow. They followed not wanting to appear intimidated. They walked up to a shattered window and carefully, stepped into the hospital. They were engulfed with dust and the smell of mildew danced in their noses. The darkness enveloped them before they all turned on their flashlights. The three girls stayed silent as their eyes roamed the room. The leader of the three let out a laugh breaking the silence. The other girls became startled from the sudden action.

"Why are you laughing?" the shortest girl, Ana, asked.

"Because, there is nothing scary about this place. It's just an old hospital." the leader, Dana, answered.

"If we die, I'm going to come back and kill you" the last girl spoke, Kirsten.

"Calm down, Kirsten. We're going to be fine." Dana responded walking out of the room. Ana and Kirsten trailed behind giving each other weary glances.

Dana entered another room and Kirsten walked up to an old bed lying next to a wall. Ana followed Kirsten and pointed out a crumbled paper laying on the bed. The paper drew their attention and Kirsten couldn't resist from looking. Kirsten picked up the paper and carefully opened it.


Kirsten dropped the paper and Ana looked at her with a puzzled look. Kirsten looked at her with fear filled eyes as she pointed at the paper on the ground.

"We have to leave RIGHT NOW" Kirsten exclaimed.

"Why? What was on the paper?" Ana asked narrowing her eyes at Kirsten. She picked up the paper and read the message. She looked at Kirsten before grasping her arm and getting ready to run. Suddenly, a bloodcurdling scream could be heard followed by the cries of their friend, Dana. Two laughs rang through the hospital sending chills down their spines.

The frightened girls looked at each other before running to the room where Dana had entered in hopes of getting their friend and leaving as soon as possible. Their eyes widened in horror upon entering as they saw the blood of their friend smeared across the wall creating a bone-chilling message.

You shouldn't have come here

The girls looked at their friend's corpse lying in a puddle of blood. Two smalls figures suddenly appeared next to Dana's lifeless body and smiled menacingly. The two girls let out screams before running out of the room leaving Dana's body behind.  Tears streamed down their faces as they hurriedly jumped out of the window and ran out of the gates. They were still at earshot from the rundown building so they heard the sinister laughs that echoed through the hospital.

 They didn't dare to turn back in fear of seeing something else they won't want to see. The girls went mad after that day and had to be sent to a mental asylum since no one believed them. Everyone assumed Dana had killed herself and didn't believe the two girls when they told them she was murdered. Ana couldn't take what had happened that night and killed herself. Kirsten stayed in the asylum slowly rotting away with her unwanted insanity.

A/n: Hello readers! Hope you enjoyed this spoopy story :) If you liked it please vote, comment and if you enjoy my writing then maybe check out my other stories. Thanks for reading and Happy Halloween!!

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