Part 9 Home with KaLoni

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daughter. This is the only person that rely on me and I wouldn't let my daughter down, even if I 

have to give my last breathe, she will have everything and anything she want and need. She has 

more clothes then me, my clothes take up two dressers and half the closet, my daughter clothes 

take up the other half of the closet, three dressers and a bag her daddy bought her that I haven't 

hung up yet. I must say James has been calling every other day to ask me about Ka'loni and it 

made me think differently about him. I never seen him call so much, I just hope over time he 

change when he get a new girlfriend. Me and James are not together right now but he is the 

father of my princess so I am learning how to be only his baby mama and not act like his 

girlfriend. I seem like Ka'loni made us even closer then ever before. James respect me more, 

buy more things and he even told me he getting a better job, so that he can stay out of jail for 

loni. Shit I know James and he will say anything at the moment to sound good but I'll just have 

to see for myself. I  didn't have a job and thanks to my mom, best friend and James my baby 

have to much stuff. She had so many diapers I didn't have enough room in my room for them so 

I used my little sister closet to put her diaper in the back of her closet. She got 7 boxes of diapers 

and 6 boxes of wipes, she will have these diapers up until she 3 months. I was breast feeding her 

so I didn't have to buy formula, only a pump and extra bottles to put in the fridge. The shit hurt 

but for my princess I wouldn't mind the pain. I will pump right before bed 2 bottles and in the 

morning i'll pump 3 bottles, but when she gone will those five bottles, I'll put my breast in her 

mouth though out the day, so keep some of her bottles clean. It was time for my mom to get off 

work and come home with my little sister, she called to see if I need anything but I told her no. 

Me and my baby went downstairs to the living room and I start cleaning her bottles because I 

don't let her milk sit in there for 24 hours, thats nasty. Soon as my mom and little sister got in

 the house, my little sister went straight to Loni trying to kiss her but I don't play that kissing my 

baby shit. Even though she my little sister I don't let nobody, not even James kiss my baby. 

Kia: ''pooh don't kiss Loni on her face, kiss her on her hands only" 

Mom: ''look at somebody trying to be a good mother"

My mom was funny for saying that because she use to tell people to kiss me and my little sister 

only on the hand, so when she heard me say that, she knew I stole it from her. 

Kia: '' I stole it from somebody, I know" 

little sister: '' can i hold her sister''

Kia: '' not this little, wait for her to get a little bigger then you can hold her'' 

 I wasn't letting nobody hold my baby unless it was my mom because she know what she doing.

 When my best friend come over and try to hold my baby, I tell her to put her down because she 

have a thing for trying to kiss my baby.  I was so over protective of my baby, that I will get into 

arguments with my mom, over my little sister running though the house screaming while my 

baby is sleeping. My sister only 6, she not old enough to hold her anyway. 

Kia: '' you need to go sit down and be quiet, I know dam well you see my baby sleep'' 

Little sister: '' shut up, Kia'' 

Kia: '' soon as my baby wake up, ima whoop yo ass, i'm not playing with yo little ass so stop smiling''

Mom: '' don't talk to your sister like you crazy, what's wrong with you'' 

Kia: '' my baby is sleep and she need to sit down with all that dam running around screaming, she better not wake Loni, thats all I know'' 

Mom: '' no, whats gone happen is, you gone watch yo mouth talking to me, ever since you had Loni, yo ass been more rude'' 

Kia: ''More rude? No, I just don't play about my baby and as long as your daughter know how to act around my child then we'll be good" 

I don't know what the hell got into my mom but I had to let her ass know that I don't play that 

shit. I took Loni upstairs to my room so she can sleep in quiet. They ass was being thoughtless 

around my baby. My little sister screaming and running and my mom didn't check her ass, so I 

had to check her for her. Soon as I went upstairs Loni start crying, I knew it had something to do 

with my little sister and mom being loud and shit. I picked my baby up out of her swing and

 start rocking her back to sleep, then I got on my computer to finish some work. I will say 

something to my little sister all the time because she need to get use to knowing how to act 

around a newborn child. Since I was the mother of her, I felt like it was my job to speak up and 

tell them what to do around my baby. My step-dad only will talk to Loni and buy her stuff, he 

never held her because he seen how protective I was over her, so he didn't want to ask. My sister 

birthday in two weeks and my mom having a party at the house for her, which all I can think 

about is hella old family showing up to see what Loni look like. 

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