Part 5 Hidding The Belly

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        It was lunchtime at school and we just go out of Mr. White class. Me and my best friend 

always sit by the gate on the bench eating out lunch. The same place we always sit to talk.

Best friend: "how have you been hiding your pregnancy?"

Dam she just gone jump straight to the question without letting me sit all the way down first , 


Me: "when we go shopping, I keep the receipt and go back to get 3size bigger. 

Best friend: "wow! How's James taken it?"

Me: "he scared, you know how dudes be when they find out they got a baby on the way 

I only said that to keep her from wondering about him. It it was something I felt bad about but 

couldn't control the embarrassment I'll feel.

Best friend: "well best friend we don't need James."

See I was waiting for this moment so she say ask me that. I don't know how to tell her about him 

because I never told my mom. I'll just say anything so she can stop asking me about his no good 

 dead beat ass.

Okay maybe I lied about the graduating part but I couldn't tell her , he 24 years old with a baby 


Best friend: "ohh okay, when do you find out the baby gender?"

Me: "I have to wait 4 more months" 

Best friend: "do your mom know" 

Me:" no, I'll tell her in my own way, I'll figure something out, very creative."

Best friend:" well I'm happy for you and I'm hear for you like I always been for these years, so 

just tell me when and I'm there girl"

When she said that it let me know that I can trust her and depend on her. This is why she was my 

best friend because she never let me down and was always there.

Me: "come on let's go to class, lunch almost over"

We start walking to class and I start feeling weak like I needed to throw up, so I ran to the 

bathroom and my best friend followed. When we got to the bathroom I throw up on the floor 

because I didn't make it to the toilet. She was still there , holding my hair and patting my back 

like you do a baby to get them to bert. I loved this girl and it felt good so see she was there for 

me and not leaving my size. When I got done she went to class like nothing never happen and I 

went to the nurse. My stomach was hurting like I had a concentration moment. If this is how my 

whole pregnancy going to be then I don't know how I'm going to do but I'm going to do it 

because we don't  kill babies in this family. I guess I bette get use to this little pain because  I'm 

having this baby no matter what James say or my mom when she find out about it. I been 


this baby from my mom even since I got that called the date me and my best friend was 


to music and I dropped to the floor crying. I been going a good job hiding it too. When it's time 


eat I be starving but I eat a little like normal and at night I go in the kitchen around 2am when I 

know everyone is sleep and I go eat more. Nobody notice the food missing at night so I don't say 

nothing. I go to the doctor by myself because I'm 17, that's how I get the medicine and care for 

me and my baby that I need. I go about my day like things is normal, I don't show no sign of 

being pregnant. The bigger I get, the more I feel sick but I throw up sometimes and my mom will 

see it but I just say I ate something bad, she will believe me too. My little like getting on back 

while we walk around the grocery store but I feel the pain my back from the baby so I will tell 


my back hurt from school , she'll get sad but I can't do nothing because I'm pregnant. I been 

waiting for the moment to tell my mom so I'll tell her after I find out what I'm having. I haven't 

even been thinking about James or talking to him neither. For as long as I carry this baby, he 

don't have to play no parts in it. I didn't call him and he wasn't calling me. I haven't talk to him 

since I told him about this pregnancy. I was doing just fine on my own anyway. I'll tell my mom 

Friday after school.

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