this is war

17 1 1

This is War

The grin of glory

The cleanly fought victory

The black and white

Of good ruling evil

The War the young see

This is War

The guilt eats away

The constant worry of them

The ring of a phone

That could cause cheers or tears

Nightmares haunt

Of death and suffering

The War the parents see

This is War

The gear weighs heavy

Each instrument meant to kill

The border of black and white

Now just a mix of grey

Glory of victory

Now a distant ideal

Each shot

another shattered life

For both sides

The War the soldiers see

This is War

The movement of them

Against moves of others

The dead only a number

Added to Strategies

Rankings and rules hold them above

Calculating constantly

The continuous counter moves

The War the generals see

This is War

Blood splattered memories

The echoes of screams

And the crashing of bombardments

Faces of those long gone

Haunt in nightmares

And in daydreams

Everything they have faced

Trapped within them

The War the veterans see

This is War 

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