There laid my brother, his eyes opened wide in shock and a knife pressed into his back. It seamed like he put up quite a fight due to the mess held in the kitchen. Chairs were turned, books on the floor, food squished into the carpet, hundreds of things that could be noted but all I could see was my brother.

I fell to my knees as a sob escaped my lips. The tears came faster than I imagined and I got up and raced to my brother, placing his head on my lap and accidentally getting his warm blood on my hands.

I looked at my hands in shock. I lost him. I lost the only family I had left. The only person that took care of my ever since our parents were shot.

He was dead.

Suddenly, a silhouette emerged from Xander's room with a bunch of cash in his left hand and Xander's old laptop in his right. The man's eyes were covered but I could faintly see a smirk playing on his lips.

"Hello there, sorry about your brother. He wouldn't let me pass." He muttered playfully.

Something stirred within me as he talked, a fire with one death instinct I hated to admit, but loved to feel.

I quickly grabbed another knife lying on the counter and chased after the man, screaming bloody murder. The man's head fell into place as he realized what I was doing and ran towards Xander's room once again. The man's legs were much longer, therefor faster so before I could reach him and make him pay, the man had already jumped out of the window, counting the stolen money.

I threw the knife on the floor and grabbed the closest phone. My first instinct was to dial 911 but my figures flew to the Batman helpline before I could comprehend what I was doing. (I don't actually know if there's a Batman helpline in Gotham but for the sake of the story, bare with me.)

"Yes?" A gruff voice answered after the second ring.

"Hello, Batman? Oh please help, my brother just got murdered and I don't know what to do! Please come quick, his killer is getting away. Please." I managed to get out behind my tears and shaking voice.

"We'll be there. Stay put." He replayed before hanging up.

And there was nothing I could do but wait.

bruce's point of view

"Robin," I called out to the fourteen-year-old vigilante, "we have an emergency"

"What's up Bats?" Dick strolled in with his costume on the ready, and an playful smile drawn on his face.

"There's a red alert in 32 Westmond Street, Riverhead apartments. Room 26A. Someone's been murdered and the killer's on the run." I wheezed out as I type codes into the computer, watching as Dick's mouth hangs open.

"32 Westmond Street?" Dick asks with a shaky voice.

"That's the one. Now-"

"Batman, you get the car and I'll ride ahead. I'll see if there's anyone else hurt." He says, rushing out of the garage in a panic with his helmet in hand.

"Dick!" I call out before he can leave the Batcave. He loops around with his motorcycle and raises his eyebrows with impatience.

"Don't jump into conclusions. The person who was murdered was a-"

"I don't have time for this, Bruce." He spits out, spinning around again and zooming off towards Riverhead.

"Male." I finish, rolling my eyes at the young hero and finished the final coding, chasing after the boy.

rosalyn's point of view

The tears already dried out by the time the front door flew open to reveal a crazed Robin. I looked up at him with tears forming in my eyes again, wrapping my arms tighter around my brother's neck.

As Robin took one look at me, he sighed in either relief or sadness, neither mattered to me either way. He walked towards me, hesitating to touch or talk to me. But I waited for his embrace, sobbing as he pulls me to his chest.

"He was r-right there. I could've done s-something." I manage to scrape out but Robin shook his head at my words.

"You couldn't have done anything without getting hurt."

"I would have rather gotten hurt than have let this happen, Robin."

We stay in silence for a while until another figure enters my apartment. The big, black costume instantly shows the outline of Batman as he takes in the sight with Robin, Xander and I. His eyes scan over my apartment until his gaze falls on a blood-red envelope.

"Where have you been?" Robin asks half demanding, half questioning while I stare, confused at the envelope.

"Chasing the killer. Did you analyze this place, Robin? And did you see the man drop this envelope, Rosalyn? Describe him for me."

"I, um. I didn't see him drop anything a-and I couldn't see his face. H-he was wearing a red hoodie, jeans and sunglasses."

"And this is where the victim was killed?"

"This is where I found him." I answered shortly, tensing up as he said 'victim', but already dry out of tears. Robin hugs me tighter and motions for Batman to check out the place.

"Rose, I'm so sorry. If I've known-"

"Don't," I butt in, "don't apologize, it's not your fault. It's not anyone's fault but that man." I spit out the last word as if it was made with venom. That killer wasn't a man, he was a monster.

So as Batman tore my brother's bedroom from piece to piece, all of his noise was dulled with Robin holding me. We stayed there for God knows how long, in which I was praying for Xander to be happy wherever he was.

Loosing your friends are a disappointment, loosing your parents are a jab to the heart, but loosing the only person who took care for you through thick and thin, that was insanity.

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