"I can do dat." Austin smiles and nods. "He gonna share hith mommy wid me, ith da least I can do."

"I knew you could be a sweetheart if you wanted too." Olena laughs and kisses Austin on the forehead.

The boys giggles at each of their costumes.

"Wook! My .. My hath a tail." Tim giggles as he shakes his butt to make the tail wag. "I Thatchmo."

"Mine doth too." Avi laughs as he shakes his butt also.

"Dats punny." Chance laughs.

"Guys? Watch Austin's costume." Olena says as she turns out the lights.

The skeleton begins to glow brightly.

"Wow!" The boys say in awe as they stare at the illuminated figure.

"DAT'S WOCK AND WOLL!!" Avi shouts as he begins to dance around joined by the others.

Chris could barely hear the doorbell over the laughing boys. He opens the door to see his mom and dad laughing at the noise coming from inside the house.

"Are we missing the party?" Cindy giggles as she hugs her oldest son.

"I think it's going to be a wild day." Chris laughs as he starts to shut the door.

"Wait! Wait!" A familiar female voice calls out.

Chris looks to see Shelley Kaplan making her way slowly up the sidewalk with her cane.

"What's with all the noise?" Shelley asks as Chris lends her a hand up the steps.

"Your son is leading the others in a dance party." Chris laughs.

"That's my Avi." Shelley giggles.

"MOMMY!!!" Avi yells as he runs to his mother's open arms.

Mr. and Mrs. Rupp had Adam smothered in a big hug.

Tim, Chance and Austin sit down quietly as they watch the reunions.

Olena slips from the room as she hears the doorbell. Opening the door to see Chance'a mom smiling widely.

"I made it." She laughs. "That traffic is terrible."

"Glad you made it safely. Chance is in the living room." Olena says as they go to meet the others.

"YAY!! MOMMY!!" Chance shouts as he jumps up and runs to his mother.

Tim and Austin share a worried look.

"Mommy will be hea." Tim says softly with a nod. "Thee pwomised."

"These costumes are so precious." Shelley smiles as Avi turns around showing her his suit.

"Yeah, we thought we'd do something a little different since it's Halloween." Chris smiles as he tugs at his brother's Darth Vadar mask.

Jenika slips her phone back into her pocket after answering Dena's call. She looks around meeting Tim's sad eyes.

"Jen? Whea .. Whea my mommy?" Tim asks sadly. "Ith thee no coming?" (Where)

"Honey, that was your mommy on the phone. She's stuck in traffic. She'll be here soon." Jenika smiles.

"MY MOMMY COMING!" Tim claps. A look of relief coming across his face. "AUSSIN, MY MOMMY BE HEA THOON!"

"YAYYYY!!" Austin claps.

The doorbell sounds once again.

"MOMMY!! MOMMY!!" Tim runs behind Jenika as she goes to answer the door only to find Rob dressed as a hillbilly.

"Oh, my God." Jenika laughs at her boss.

"Hey, I thought you said it was a costume party?" Rob asks as he notices Jenika was wearing regular clothes.

"We meant for the boys." Jenika laughs.

"Well. Don't I feel like a horse's patoot." Rob laughs.

Tim giggles at Rob but his eyes catches sight of his mom walking up to the door.

"MOMMY!!" Tim cries as he runs to her.

"Hey, Baby." Dena begins to cry as she wraps her arms around him. "I've missed you so much."

"He was getting a little worried." Jenika smiles.

"I wouldn't have missed this for the world. And look at you." Dena smiles through her tears. She reaches up and gently tugs one of the dog ears on the hood he was wearing. "You're the cutest kitty I've ever seen."

"I a puppa dody, Mommy." Tim giggles.

"And so you are. Satchmo would be jealous cause you're way cuter than he is." Dena smiles, kissing her son on the nose.

"Mere, Mommy." Tim says as he leads her back into the living room. He points down at Austin. "Mommy, dis ith Aussin. Uh .. Hith mommy .. Uh .. Thee neber come to tee him." He shakes his head as he nervously pulls at the tail of his dog suit. "Will you ... can I thare you wid him?"

"Oh, Honey." Dena sits down beside Austin and lovingly pushing his hair behind his ear. "Sure. I would love to be your fill-in mommy."

"Weally?" Austin asks as his voice cracks. Tears fill his eyes and his bottom lip begins to quiver.

"Of course, Sweetie." Dena smiles as she pulls him into a hug. She hugs him tighten and rubs him on the back of the head as he cries onto her shoulder. "But you know what?" She whispers.

"Whad?" Austin asks as he sniffs.

"If I were you, I wouldn't be getting to close to that puppy dog. Especially with all those bones that you are wearing." Dena smiles up at her son.

Austin giggles as he wipes away the tears from his eyes.


** The next chapter will continue their Halloween Visitation.


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