Chapter 8

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"You would do dat por me?" Austin asks.

"Uh huh." Tim nods. "You thouldn't tay up hea by yoself and not hab any pun."

"Tank you." Austin smiles through his tears as he hugs Tim.

"Wet's go." Tim says, taking the smaller man by the hand. (let's)

They walk into the living room to see Adam, Avi and Chance. Each holding a big unopened box.

"Bout time! We wanna thee what dese pwesents are." Avi says anxiously.

"We hab pwesents?" Austin asks as Chris hands him and Tim each a big box.

"We thought we'd do something a little different today." Chris smiles.

"Do you boys know what today is?" Olena asks.

"Bisitation day? We thee our mommies?" Tim asks.

"That's true, Timmy." Jenika smiles. "But it's also Halloween."

"HALLOWEEN!! WE GOING TWICK OR TWEATING?" Avi yells with excitement.

"No, we're not going Trick or Treating but how about a hayride and weenie roast at Tristin's farm?" Chris asks.

"YAY!! NOW CAN WE OPEN DA PWESENTS!!??" Avi yells with even more excitement.

"Yes, now you can open the presents." Olena giggles.

The boys begin to rip the boxes open as fast as they could.

"OH, MY GAWD! DAWTH BADER!" Adam shouts as he pulls the costume from the box and hugs it to his chest.

"LOOK, ADAM! ME GOT A POW WAINDER!" Chance screams with joy. (Power Ranger)

"A DWAGON!!" Avi screams as he begins to dance around.

"Cool, I got a keleton." Austin smiles as he holds up the black costume.

"And it glows in the dark." Olena says with smile.

"Weally? Dat's awethem." Austin giggles.

"Whad did you get, Timmy?" Chance asks.

"I no no whad dis ith." Tim answers, looking down at the contents of the box. "It purry." (furry)

"Take it out of the box, Sweetie." Jenika giggles.

"A puppa doddy?" Tim asks with a smile. (puppy doggy)

"Uh huh. We had heard that you had a doggy at home." Olena says.

"Yep." Tim nods. "Hith name ith Thatchmo. He hath one boo eye and one bown eye. I mith him."

"Maybe your mommy can bring him with her on one of her visits." Chris smiles. "Now, we'll help you boys get dressed into your costumes before your parents arrive."

"Austin, Sweetie, I'm glad that you are joining us today instead of staying in your room." Olena says as she helps him get dressed in the skeleton costume.

"Timmy ith gonna share hith mommy wid me." Austin says as he runs his hands over the bones of his costume.

"Awww, that's really sweet of him." Olena says as the ties the back of the costume.

"Yea, I peel bad cause I been mean to him." Austin says sadly.

"Maybe you boys can be friends." Olena says as she pulls Austin's hair out from under the collar of his costume.

"He acts weally sad." Austin says.

"That's why he needs you as a friend. To make him feel welcome." Olena smiles.

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