XXIX: Parabati Forever

Comenzar desde el principio

Hector: Alyssa, you healed me.

Alyssa: You're okay!

Alyssa(Rosemary) and Hector hugged each other very tightly, and never wanting to let go. Dakota, on the other hand, put her plan into action, took out a small knife, and slit her wrists. The Verpletted Demon turned to Dakota, and saw the delicious, black blood coming out of her small cut. Maria saw what she was doing, she grabbed a net near by, and caught the demon before it could get any blood from Dakota's wrist.

Maria: Good plan.

Dakota: Thanks.

Dakota and Maria turn their attention to an overjoyed Alyssa(Rosemary) and a recovering Hector.

Maria: You okay?

Hector: Thanks to Alyssa, I'm going to be okay.

Dakota: How did you heal him?

Alyssa: With my tears, and an iratze.

Dakota: Madame Mignard was right, you are half Warlock and half Shadowhunter.

Maria: That's cool.

Alyssa: Thanks.

Remi: I'd hate to stop the conversation, but my party has been wrecked because of you.

Alyssa: Look we wish we could help, and clean up but the world is a stake with all of these Verpletted demons running around.

Maria: Which causes a question for you, how on earth are you getting so many of them in your bar?

Alyssa: Unless if you have people taste your 'wine' and 'cocktails'.

Remi: You think I had to do with this?

Alyssa: It seems obvious that people drink, and when the time is right people start turning into demons.

Dakota: Especially when you told Hector and I that they always come at midnight.

Remi: That doesn't mean anything! All I told you was that they always come out at-

???: AHHH!

Alyssa: What the hell was that?

Maria: Dakota and I will check it out, you two stay here and watch Remi and our little demon.

Maria had gave the net to Hector, and Alyssa(Rosemary) grabbed out her whip and tied Remi to a chair. Dakota and Maria ran out of the bar, and tried to find the person who screamed for help.

???: LET ME GO!

Maria threw the knife at a cloaked person who was trying to kidnap some person, and Dakota ran and fought off the person. Apparently the cloaked person had laid down a card, and had disappeared out of the blue. Maria had tented to the girl, who was now unconscious, and was checking for any scratches or wounds but then saw a syringe mark on her left shoulder.

Maria: Dakota?

Dakota turned around, and went to where Maria to see what was the problem.

Dakota: What is it? Is she hurt?

Maria: She's been injected, look.

She showed Dakota the mark on her shoulder, and she was now thinking of what happened.

Dakota: I think I may know how these Verpletted demons are being born.

Maria: How?

Dakota: They must be experimented.

Maria: That would make sense, I bet the drinks in Remi's bar must've been tainted with some sort of magic or potion to make it run through mundane veins.

Dakota: We need to get back to the Institute, and report this to Madame Mignard and see what she thinks.

Maria: Good idea.

Dakota: Wait, what do you think is going to happen to Remi?

Maria: My guess we'll have to put him on trial, and see what he thinks. For now, let's lay low and see what Madame Mignard thinks.

Dakota: What about the demon?

Maria remained silent for awhile just thinking of what the demon said earlier.

Maria: I don't know...if it is true that....

Dakota: Maria, there are some monster who can read minds, and feed on what happened in the past. Don't let it get to you, what happened with...Jordan and Jeremy that wasn't your fault.

Maria: I know but....I just can't help but....

Dakota: Come on, let's head back.

Dakota and Maria went back to the bar with everyone else, including the demon, and for the rest of the night Maria and Alyssa(Rosemary) were both left with nothing but thinking about the words that came out of that Verpletted demon's mouth.

Alyssa: Did it really know about my parents?

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