"Hey, Jangjun, please wake up," You whisper plead, hoping that would wake the senses out of him. You see him open one of his eyes and a smile breaks in his face.

"I'm now awake," He whispers since I was still close, "I was awake this whole time."

This guy.

You immediately retreat your head back and stand straight. Inside you are a little bit--just a tiny bit--angry at him. But a little part of you was feeling all giddy and happy. You got too close to him. It felt nice talking to the one you like.

Nevertheless, you still ask him his order. After giving it to him, you move onto the next row.

But you didn't miss out the words he said when you left.

"Miss Y/N, so cute." He mutters as he chuckles. You roll his eyes at his words but of course you can't ignore the warm feeling you felt when you heard it.


"Let's go now, Y/N, it's time to get their 'trash'," Your friend sighs as she stands up. You get up also and go outside to get the garbage cart and went to each row to ask for their food containers and other garbage.

At last, you reach Jangjun's row ahain. It seems as if he was expecting that you would be the one to collect their trash, because you see him looking everywhere and whenever his eyes lands at you, he would smile and turn his back.


You approach them and ask for their garbage. They all gave you the containers and stuff and put it in the garbage bag inside the cart as you move onto the next row.

After you've finished collecting, you decide to freshen up inside the restroom. You enter and sigh.

The flight's about to end. You are already in the vicinity of Korea. You won't get to see them anymore.

You know that fans would be waiting at the airport to greet them and take pictures. You wish that you could too. You can't exactly take a photo of them when your dressed as a flight attendant. It would be too unusual and too weird.

You wish you could meet Jangjun for a little longer.

You put your hand inside your pocket to where your phone is and put it out to check what time it is. As you did, a piece of paper fell out.


You pick it up, curious as to how a piece of paper travelled inside you pocket.

Opening it, you grin so hard that you thought your jaw is going to break.

Hey, Y/N! I find you really interesting and I was hoping we could talk because I want to know you more~ Here's my number

And he did. He really did put his number. You put your hand on your mouth as you tried so hard not to squeal. As you save it on your phone, you smile to yourself.


• Jangjun's POV •

"We've arrived at our destination. Thank you for choosing Golden Airlines."

I sigh as I stand up, stretching my arms up as I let out a scream. It was good that no one minded that, or else it would be too embarrassing.

I was waiting for a text from Y/N the whole time after I gave her that note. I am so frustrated at the fact that she didn't text me. I think it was because she didn't receive the note I sent her.

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