you were right about Peyton

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Tom POV:

"Would you like if I spoke with your sons around or in private?" The doctor asked.

"Harrison can you take Paddy to buy us some lunch?" Mum asked Harrison.
"Sure, come on Pad's"

"What's wrong with her?" Sam asked.
"The tests came back. Everything was clear."
"So, why did she collapse?" I asked.
"I would say stress. Does she suffer from anxiety?"
"Yes." Sam replied.
"Then maybe that. Or it could be that she was dehydrated because she did show signs of it. Either way don't worry too much."
"Can we see her?" Da asked.
"Sure. Right this way."

He lead us too a room with private written across it. 
"Ignore the heart monitor and drip, they are to help her." He said before opening the door.
We walked in to see our sister lying on the bed with a drip in her arm.
"She should wake up soon. Call when she has."
"Thanks doctor." Mum said as he left.

Sam and Mum sat either side of the bed while dad, Harry and myself sat near the door. We didn't say anything, not even when Paddy and Harrison walked in with lunch. We sat in silence. Half an hour later, Caroline started to move. She blinked before looking around the room.

"Sam?" She croaked.

Sam POV:

"Sam?" I heard Caroline whisper.
"I'm here." I said moving so she could see me.
"What happened?"
"You collapsed this morning. But your ok, noting was damaged. Do you want some water?"
I nodded.
Harry came over and lightly pressed a bottle of water to my lips.

"How long have I been out?"
"Around 2 hours. The doctor said to call when you woke." Mum said.
"I'll go get him." Tom said walking out.

Tom left and soon came back with the doctor.

"Glad to see you awake Miss. Holland. How are you feeling?"
"Good thanks." She smiled.
"Well we shall have a check up if that's ok with you?"
"Yea, that's fine."
"Alright. Can you all step outside please?"
"we'll be just outside ok?" I told her as I kissed her forehead.
She nodded.

Caroline POV:

"So Caroline, everything is fine." The doctor said taking the blood pressure monitor off me.
"So I can go home?"
"Yes you can. But I have one question."
I looked at him.
"Are you being abused?"
I looked down.
"Caroline." He sighed and sat down, "I can't do anything about it. But I can help you. But if you are you need to tell someone because you can't live like that. It's not healthy."
"I know." A tear fell. "But he said that if I told anyone that he would harm them worse."
"so someone is doing this to you?"
I nodded.
I stayed quiet.
I started crying fully.
"Come on Caroline, please, tell some one. They can help."
"Will it end it?"
I nodded.
"Alright. How about one of your family?"
"Do you want me to get him for you?"
I nodded.
He got up and squeezed my shoulder.
"You'll be fine."

He walked out and I turned away from the door, taking a deep breath.

Sam POV:

The doctor came out of the room and walked over towards us. He had a look that I do not like.

"What's wrong?" Tom asked.
"Everything is fine. Sam, she wants to talk to you, alone." He looked at the family at the end.
"Go on son. We'll be here if needed." Dad said.
I nodded and walked in.

"Hey." I said as I walked into the room.
She sat in silence.
"Everything ok?" I asked sitting beside her.
"You were right about Peyton." She whispered still not looking at me.
"You were right not to trust him?"
"What, why?"
She turned to me with tears in her eyes before rolling up her sleeves. I looked down and gasped.
"caroline" I said as my eyes became wet.
"I should of listened to you."
"When?" I said through gritted teeth.
She stayed quite.
"When did he start Caroline?"
"A month after our birthday." She whispered.
"Why didn't you tell anyone? Why didn't you tell me? Do you not trust me?"
"Of course I trust you." She cried.
"Then why didn't you tell me?"
"Because he threatened to hurt my family more then he hurts me if I did. I couldn't have that. Have you hurt. Harry, Paddy, Tom, mum, dad, even Harrison. I couldn't live with myself if it was because of me." She cried.
I hugged her.
"We could of stopped him." I whispered.
"No, you couldn't."
"Could of tried."
"Haha (Fake laugh) wouldn't of mattered."
"Yes it would, because you would be safe."
"HAha." She smiled slightly.
"Now, are you going to tell the others and police."
"You have to."

Just as I said that there was a knock on the door.

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