You had me at Pizza: Continued...Again

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                      Gabby's Pov

   We sit on the couch and Nick goes to get us some beer. I look out the window and see people pull up. I see Rebecca getting a hug from Annie and Natasia is greeting people at the door; which she never does that. I get up to see what she is doing

  "Hey, Natasia"

  " uhh huh, what do you want"

She looks back at the door only looking at me for a second

  "Who or what are you looking for?"

  "No one, i just am kinda,...he's here!!!!!"

She says with so much excitement in her voice! I look and see that guy from the beach i saw her dancing with. I go back and sit with Nick.

                     Natasia's Pov

   Ken is here and i don't know what to do! I grab the door for him saying

    "Hi, what are you doing here, I didn't know you knew my friend Rebecca?"

   "I didn't but she told me to swing by; Can i come in or..?"

I realize that i was blocking his way and i move so he can walk in. I ask him if he wants something to drink and he nods. I get him a glass of tequila and mix some Gin with it. I give it to him and he just about spit it on me but he swallows it slowly. I smile at him and take his hand to find something to do. We sit down in the upstairs last hallway and Ken says something funny and i laugh. I scooch beside him even closer than before. I get on my phone and we start to play Angry Birds. I level up before him and we compete until we get to level 24. He says something but i just look at his lips and back at his eyes. He closes his eyes and right when are lips are about to touch some people burst up the hallway running to get to a bedroom or something. He stands up and puts his hand out to help me up and says

   "We better go back downstairs before we miss the party"

   "Oh right..yeah, the party"

We go back downstairs and we talk, drink, and eat. He drank his whole glass of Tequila and Gin; I drank all my beer. Ken is talking gibberish and he looks like he could pass out any minute. I get him to the couch where Gabby and Nick are sitting and lay him down. They move off the couch and sit at the bar.

                      Annie's Pov

       I pick Rebecca up off the patio before she rolls into the pool. She wakes up enough to move her legs. I take her upstairs to put her in her bed. I open her door and A guy and a girl are having sex on her bed! I tell them to get the fuck out and i put her in her mom and dad's bed. I put a trash can on the floor so she can puke in it. I go back downstairs, grab a beer, and grab a seat on a stool. I watch as more people start to pour in her house like bees going to the queen. I am pretty tired but i don't wanna go home. I go back upstairs and grab all the blankets out of her closet; i lay down 2 of them for me. Gabby comes in the room about 2 hours later and cuddles up with me; then at about 6:30 in the morning Natasia comes and lays down with us. Gabby is asleep and Natasia is asleep but i can't go to sleep. I close my eyes and think about everything that has happened. I suddenly fall asleep.

                        Rebecca's Pov

    All the girls are cuddled on the floor and i am puking my brains out right now! I grab the water and tylenol that was on my nightstand and take it. I try to fall back to sleep but my stomach is growling. I eat a huge bowl of cereal with some toast and nutella and it tasted so good! I go back upstairs and i fall asleep peacefully.

       When I wake up all the girls are not there; I listen for any sign of them and I hear Annie talking all the way up here! They must be in the kitchen. I cover my face with my pillows trying to not hear Annie. I decide to get up; I brush my hair and put on a jean skirt and a tank and lace shawl. I hear someone scream and I hear things dropping! I run downstairs.

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