You had me at Pizza: Hungover

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                     Natasia's Pov

     I wake up an it is about 12:30 in the afternoon; I walk downstairs and put 2 pieces of toast in the toaster, get a glass out for my orange juice, I put 7 pieces of bacon in the microwave, and walk back upstairs to check my phone and get dressed. I check my phone and i have 35 new messages; i throw my phone on the bed and throw on some jeans and a tank with lil baby puppies all over it. I grab my phone and flop down on my bed. I check all my messages and none of them were from Ken; I think i am going to let him go,.. i guess. I go back downstairs a little saddened. My toast is done, my bacon is done, and i pour some orange juice in my cup while smothering butter and jam all over my toast.

                        Annie's Pov

     I stayed up all night thinking about how school is going to turn out and how many boys are going to be lined up to talk to my friends and I. I didn't want to sleep because i have been seeing Freddie Kruger in my dreams and i don't want him to get me or something. I roll out of bed and eat a big bowl of cereal an 2 mini breakfast burrito's. I put on some capri's and a regular old t-shirt. I check on my phone looking on Facebook and i see all my friends posting all kinds of new things. I watch some youtube videos and my mom brings in raisin and chocolate chip cookies for me. I love when my mom does that! She sets them on my dresser and i tell her thanks in my loud voice! I put the cookies on my nightstand and i nibble at a chocolate chip cookie as i read about cool facts.

                      Rebecca's Pov

    I drank a couple beers last night and got a buzz then i drank some tequila and i am completely hungover today. It is only 2:30 in the evening and i am hiding my face and cursing at the sun like a vampire. I get up and feel my head start to pound and my eyes burn. I go to the kitchen downstairs and turn on the coffee and drink some water. I start to feel a bit better until i feel the water coming back up my throat. I grab the kitchen trash can and barf all in it. I drink a bit more water then put about 13 scoops of sugar in my coffee and i drink my coffee.

                       Gabby's Pov

     I wake up feeling really happy; i go to the bathroom and eat some pancakes that my mom was making, then i remember Nick texting me. I run back upstairs looking at the clock to see if it was lunch. It is about to be 3 so i guess we can just have dinner. I text back

    "Sorry, about the delay in time but yeah i would really like to meet up with you today"

    "It's alright, at least you texted me back, it's pass lunch so maybe i can pick you up around 4:30?"

     "Yeah that works perfectly, see ya then"

    I can't believe i almost forgot!

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