Never Let Go

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Important Note: Again this One shot is based off of this song 'Out Loud' By Gabbie Hanna. Hope you enjoy!!

My eye's were in tears, as I watched them bring down the casket that now holds my boyfriend of four years. It all happened so sudden, I didn't even think it would. My entire life crumbled to pieces, after I received a call saying he was in the hospital. My heart ached as I got there and saw him hooked up to all the machines and see his heart on the monitor very low. I knew right then and there he wasn't going to make it. If only he didn't drive home after the graduation party our friend Roman had.

I sniffled and looked down at the dead rose I held in my hand. It was the first one he ever gave me and I wanted him to have it to know I'd always remember him. I cried as I tossed it in the grave, it landing right on top of the other flowers that were put on his casket. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up praying it was Dean pulling a prank on me, but it was just Roman.

He gave me a weak smile, before pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back and started crying. My legs started giving out as my crying sped up.

"It's okay Seth," Roman said, rubbing my back as he led me over to a chair.

"No it's not Ro. He's gone. He's really, really gone!" I cried, clinging to him.

"I know Seth, but at least he isn't hurting anymore," Roman said, sitting down next to me and rubbing my back.

"I want him back," I said, sniffling. "I want my baby back."

"I know Seth, I know it's tough," Roman said, hugging me, "But it was his time."

"No! It wasn't suppose to be his time! We were suppose to be together forever, but he was selfish," I said, standing up and running to my car.

I ran as fast as I could, hearing Roman calling my name. I ignored him and just kept running, until I got to my car. I opened it and got in, sitting there for a while so I could get control over my emotions. Tears fell from my eyes as my hands were on the steering wheel. I wanted him back, but I only knew it was too late. I could still feel his presence, as we always drove to school together. His Jason Voorhees bobble head sat on the dash board, right next to my Freddy Krueger bobble head. I smiled as I remembered the day we got those.


It was last October and Dean decided to take me to the Halloween Carnival our town always does. I'm not really one who likes Halloween. Mostly because I don't like to be scared, but Dean loves it and we always come to the Carnival ever since we started dating; so it became our little tradition.

"Where to first babe?" Dean asked me, as he intertwined our fingers together.

"Mmmm, I don't know. Let's go look at the games," I said, looking up at him.

He smiled and nodded, as we went over to the booths that had a lot of the rigged games. We walked through looking at each game seeing if it was the one we wanted to play, until I stopped in front of a balloon dart game. I saw a Jason Voorhees bobble head as one of the prizes and I needed to get it for Dean.

"Let's play this," I said, dragging Dean over to the booth. "How much?"

"Two dollars for three shots, four dollars for six," The man said.

I noticed Dean going in his wallet to grab the money, but I was able to get the money before his and paid the man.

"Babe, I could've gotten it," He said to me, as the man went to go get the darts.

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