6. We Were Only Chilling

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We spent the entire night just chilling out and hanging around. Dean gave me a shirt which was obviously big on me, but hey: I would fill it in if this shield thing was gonna work out. We watched some TV, ate some food and then went to bed.

We woke up in the morning in bed together (no you dirty minded fool! Not that kind of in bed together). "So what do you think happened last night?" I asked Dean.

"Well, you came to my door around 11 half naked, you cam in and we hung out together, I messed around with you all night just to get on your nerves, we ate, and we went to bed. Not much to it, kiddo."

"I was joking, to see if you were trying to make a move on me."

"Oh so you like that?" He said putting his arm around me.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't!" I pulled away from him.

"EJ, you and I both know whether you like it or not I'm gonna make a move on you!" He teased.

We walked out of the room together to find Seth and Roman wide awake on the couch. "Morning Sleepyhead!" Seth teased Dean seeing as his hair was even messier as it is when up he's in the ring.

"Shuttup, Rollins." He insisted.

"He's got a point." I explained to Dean " BUT ROMAN'S HAIR IS EVEN WORSE!" I teased Reigns.

He got up and speared me gently on the couch, making everyone laugh including me

"OK! OK! Seth's hair is even worse then Roman's!" I told roman and Dean to get Seth's attention.

Seth rolled his eyes.

"So what exactly do you expect us to think you did last night?!" Roman asked me and Dean, wiggling his eyebrows.

"We were only chilling, dude."

"Sure. EJ what about you? Do you have ANYTHING to say for yourself?!" Roman asked in a parent-like voice.

Seth crossed his arms over his chest.

"Seriously!" Me and Dean both insisted at the same time, lifting our arms by our sides, before crossing them like Seth.

"Okay. Sure EJ, sure Dean. Last night, you two love bugs were having no fun whatsoever. No kissing, no nothing." Roman scoffed.

Seth and Roman burst out laughing, after hearing themselves talk and seemed to have mistaken themselves.

" I don't know if either of you have ever noticed, but neither of you have any way at all of staying out of trouble."

"Whatever!" Dean and I said defensively at the same exact time, which caused them to laugh even more.

" See... You're already....saying things.....at the same time!" Roman laughed, they were both rolling on the floor at this point.

"WE WERE ONLY CHILLING!" We said at the same time, then stared at eachother with open mouths knowing that we actually had seemed to start finishing eachothers sentences a lot more often.

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