Just Take Some Time

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A tag to X-Ray + Penny. I felt that we needed the scene where Jack came to get Mac because we all know nothing was gonna stop him. The writers left much to the imagination when they produced this episode.

I apologize for how late it is! I meant to have it out earlier, but I got distracted by a plot bunny.

Jack walks up to the house of his best friend and doesn't bother with the door bell, simply tests the door to see if it's locked and let's himself in when he finds it's not.

(Mac's been known to invite people over, but forget to unlock the door. The only reason it's ever locked is because of A) his thieving neighbor, B) Murdoc knows where Mac lives and even before that, Mac knows what's out there, he knows what very well could happen if his doors aren't locked, and C) Jack threatened to change the locks and not give him the key if Mac didn't start locking his door.)

"Okay, okay, you had me at warm beer." He calls, kicking the door closed with his foot. He doesn't bother calling a greeting to Bozer, who's out on some kind of camping trip with an old high school friend. "Now about that apology."

Once he follows the clues left behind, the duct tape, the water on the floor, the phone on the island, he realizes.

"Are you even here, Mac?" He called into the house, hoping desperately that Mac just grabbed a quick shower or a nap or something before repairing the fridge and talking it out with Jack.

Deep inside he knows he's wrong.

He pulls his gun from his waist band.

(Yes, this is Mac, and Jack knows Mac would never intentionally hurt him, too afraid of driving him away, too afraid of loosing him. (Completely disregarding the incident in Paris, Mac was just really upset, on his last leg after just coming off a mission only to hop a plane to Paris with in the next few hours.) All the same, Jack is always prepared, so even to Mac's house, Jack carries the gun. Just in case.)

When he finds the final clue, Mac's knife in a bottle of wine next to that same fucking mask, he knows.

And immediately he's on the phone with Riley and Bozer.

"Someone call Matty." Jack says "Murdoc's back."


Mac wakes up in a foggy haze. Everything is blurry and grey and he doesn't know where he is and wasn't he supposed to be fixing the fridge?

He tries to sit up and his brain apparently decides that no, staying in the chair is better and Mac's head starts pounding.

He tries to reach up and is stopped by a pull on his wrists, followed by the pain lancing through his right arm.

Mac immediately wishes he could go back to being unconscious.

Instead, he looks around, tries to get his bearings and find out where he is, he yells. "Hello?" He shouts.

A whistling came floating through the air. Was that...? Was that Home on the Range?

There's a door opening and Mac is suddenly aware of the stairs he's sitting next to.

He may be drugged to kingdom come, but he knew what had happened and memories had come back, finally. He remembered.

As his captor came down the stairs, Mac suppressed his shudder of disgust, knowing it could easily be read as fear rather than what it was.

(That wasn't to say Mac wasn't afraid. He may be brave, but this was still scary as Hell and he definitely couldn't wait until Jack found him/he found an escape and got out, then phoned Jack to come get him)

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