There were only five people in the room, but Dan saw it as a crowd which intimidated him.

"Good morning, boys" Trina smiled, surprised of Dan coming too. They weren't completely sure if Dan would actually come down yet.

She hadn't expected to see him just yet, and neither had anybody else for that matter, including Dan himself.

There was a short silence, while nobody knew how to be or what could be done or said next. They didn't want to frighten Dan, and their wariness made him sad and attention to warm up his cheeks.

He hated the first impression he was giving them. He must look so stupid and immature, being the older one and trying to hide behind his brother, like a little shy kid fiddling with his hoody sleeves.

Yes, he did that a lot, because he was anxious a lot. Others thought him doing that very cute, although not the reason for it.

Before the silence got too tense and awkward, Aldo cleared his throat and got to introducing them to Dan, just to make absolutely sure he would know who these all were. He needed that.

As Niall and his mum Trina were already fine, first Dan was introduced to Niall's dad Liron, who stood right next to his wife and greeted him with a warm smile.

Niall's sister, Naomi, was very excited about the boys' coming to their house, she thought of Aldo as a second little brother and now it was so nice to finally meet Dan, too.

She was a very sympathetic person just like her mum and felt so sorry for them, like they all, but she was very close to rush to them now and give both a warm, long hug from the bottom of her heart.

But she knew better than to do that, because of Dan she had to control herself. So she just smiled at the brothers, the smile showing her excitement and compassion.

Dan didn't look at any of them for long and made eye contact only for a second or two, until returning his eyes on the floor or on his brother.

He felt them looking at him and almost was about to nudge his brother's arm for him to take him away from these gazes, but this had to be done and he resisted the urge.

Last but not least, Dan was introduced to Niall's brother, Jared, who was casually leaning on the kitchen island.

He had a smile on his face as well, but when Dan lifted his eyes to give him his quick eye greeting, their eyes locked and his face slowly turned down to straight-faced as his eyes caught to stare into his eyes.

And Dan got lost in his eyes as well and looked at him longer than he had intended or thought he could, staring back.

There was a short but like a time stopping moment while the two just gazed deep into each others' eyes.

A thought or two Jared didn't think possible popped into his mind, gazing at this astonishingly cute and innocent looking boy with such enchanting, piercing blue eyes.

Where did that come from? That was ridiculously confusing.

Noticing himself staring into this boy's eyes longer than necessary and then drifting his eyes to check him up and down, his face turned into a frown. His mind was filled with thoughts he shouldn't and couldn't have.

Dan snapped back into the present with the frown, which made him exceedingly uncomfortable and after forcing his gaze back to the floor, he blushed deeper. And feeling it deepened, he was even more embarrassed and felt like his whole body was on fire.

Why did he do that? And what was all that about?

He was too innocent to know, why he liked to look at Jared's eyes, or anybody else's either, for that matter.

Such an overwhelming, panicking feeling washed through him that he desperately needed a moment to calm down if he didn't want his heart to stop of beating too fast.

He didn't understand what was going on, and his heart was racing in an unfamiliar manner for him, and that made him almost black out of panic right there.

Dan was feeling all through him Jared's frown at him and he gave him such mixed feelings which he didn't know how to handle, so he started to breathe irregularly.

So before it got any worse and being unable to speak, not that he would have had the courage anyway and disappointed he came this close but still too far away, he lightly nudged Aldo's arm as the sign.


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