
"What was that?" Logan asked her with excitement in his voice.

"I said yes!"

Logan laughed and pulled her to him, kissing her squarely on the mouth. "You have no idea how happy you've made me, Ace."

"I think I have a pretty good idea mister," she told him with a smile. "If w'ere going to do this, though, we need to find out where we can get married. And when. Oh, and what's the process?"

"Rory, slow down. We'll figure it out. Where's your laptop? We can do some research now to figure out what we need to do. Then, we can look at our schedules and see if it'll work."

Rory grabbed her laptop and brought it back to the bed. Pulling up the search engine, she and Logan spent the next several hours researching how to get married in Europe. They thought about just going to Vegas to do it, but both decided the likelihood of paparazzi catching them was too likely. Logan was too well known now for someone to not recognize him and then figure out who she was. With that in mind though, they were able to discover that Denmark is considered the Vegas of Europe. They would just have to show up and petition for a marriage license and they could get married the next day.

However, when they looked at their schedules, they realized they had a slight conflict. "Logan, I have some meetings I need to be at in New York once this conference finishes. I can't put them off."

"Same here, Ace. I have some meeting in London next week that I can't miss because of a proposed merger. What about the next week?"

Rory flipped ahead. "That should be good. I'm between stories and can easily make my way over here for us to get married. I still can't believe we're going to do it."

Logan smiled at her. "Same here."

"I do have a question for you, Logan, about getting married."

Rory bit her lip, unsure of how to approach the question. "I know you said to keep this a secret, but do you think we could tell my grandparents? They've always liked you and I think they would like to be able to help and possibly be there? They could be our witnesses?"

Logan looked at her and was silent for a few moments. "Are you sure, Ace? What about your mom? Won't she be mad when she finds out?"

Rory sighed. "Yeah, she probably will be. But she can't keep a secret to save her life. I just don't see her being able to stay quiet about our marriage and I don't think she would approve. I'd rather tell my grand parents because they'll be happy so long as we're happy."

Logan was silent again. "If you think they'll go along with it, then I don't see why we can't include them. It would definitely be nice to have someone in our corner for when the time comes."

Rory smiled. "Thank you so much! Is there anyone in your family you think we should tell?"

"I would like to tell Honor, but I honestly don't think she'll be able to keep it a secret. The first chance she got to throw it out there, I think she would."

Rory nodded, understanding since she had just said the same thing about her mother.

"So, it looks like we're getting married in two weeks? In Denmark?"

"It certainly does."

Rory smiled. "I can't wait! I wish we could get married sooner."

"Me too, Ace. But, just think, this means we can plan it out a bit more and make sure it's the best day ever."

"I think I like that idea."

After that, they were silent as they moved on to other ways to show their affection for each other. This time, they were slow in exploring each other's bodies, though just as tired at the end.

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