Pick Up Part 3

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Lily's attack was broadcasted across all of the states. Some people believed it was a catty act, while others believed it was just the start of a brutal rebellion. Lily decided she should make a speech about the way Mary treated her. She needed to make a point that she was a mentally; patient that went to jail for murder. Of course, this statement is a lie, but some specific things need to be swept under the rug for the better good to keep the country from breaking out into another war. The war didn't start because of the main reasons war starts. It wasn't money, greed, or the fact of pride expanding. It was because of poor leadership, people's ignorance, and people rebelling against the government. The start of the new world happened right as the war broke out. Lily had just been a child when it happened. Her brothers went off into war to fight alongside the people of their country. The ruling side at least. Lily wakes up from a nightmare of her father beating her. Her father used to do that sometimes when he was angry. Lily didn't mind because at least her father would talk to her then. He also bought her anything she pleased. She felt so special, even though love didn't exist in her household. 

Lily rolls off of her bed. She lands on the floor with a loud thud. Her eyes flutter open. Lily rubs at her eyes. Her assistant comes rushing in. She is dressed in black and white polka dot pajamas. Penell brought just polka dot pajamas because those are the only type of pajamas she owns. "Mrs. Lily? Are you alright? Do you need help getting up?"

Lily sits up, "No, Penell. I just rolled off of my bed. I am fine. Thank you." She stands up, brushing herself off. "I just rolled off of my bed. Before you make any far fetched accusations, I just rolled off of my bed."

Penell finishes Lily's sentence in her head. I am not crazy. Lily doesn't finish her sentence because she believes there is no need. She obviously isn't crazy, she is just feeling a little sleepy from all the travelling. That's it. She is thirty-five and all. She is nearing her time. She has about seven years left until she hits the age the average citizens in the United States dies. Penell asks, "Would you like some breakfast? It looks as if your face is losing its natural color. Are you feeling well?"

A flash of anger crosses Lily's face. Penell has been pestering her ever since she has woken up. Lily needs to get rid of Penell at some point, but when? She should take advantage of Penell's gullibility. "Yes, Penell. That would be splendid. I will take some turkey bacon and some scrambled eggs with a cup of orange juice to the side." 

Penell spins on her heels then goes to prepare their breakfast.  

This morning, the train conductor is sipping on some black coffee out of the white ceramic cup. He is staring at his drawing from yesterday. Today, Nate plans to color it. The nest day, he plans to give it to Lily. He is now watching as they pass through the radioactive state of Illinois. There is a body of water off into the distance. It used to be Lake Michigan, but it got contaminated by one of the bombs that hit. The chemicals in the lake cannot be purified enough for it be drinkable and sustainable for the human body to get nutrients from. He is smiling, thinking of when he can see Lily. Yesterday, he could have swore she was with him in his dreams. A fact he keeps in his mind is when you dream of someone at one point, it means they were thinking of you. Lily was thinking of him...and looking at him. 

Penell is patiently waiting for the Cook 7.0 to make their breakfast. Lily is getting dressed in her room. She is talking to herself about how happy her father would be if he saw her in the position she is now. The thoughts of Father cloud Lily's vision constantly. About how happy Father would be or what Father would do. She takes pills to help prevents these visions. The visions still come though, but aren't as strong. 

Dakota is eating some Belgium waffles and drinking some energy drink. He was up early again this morning. He is one more dividend from finding the two-hundredth in Pi. T is dozing in and out of sleep. Jenna is creating memes on a meme maker app she found. She has created fifteen memes and uploaded them into the meme maker interface. Ashley is braiding her hair so it looks good with her flower crown. Kit is raging with some new video games. Mary is still knocked out from the drugs put into her system from yesterday. She is sprawled all over her bed. Her limbs are hanging off her sheets. 

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