mafu X luz

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As much as I love soramafu let's give some attention to mafuluz. As suggested by YumeNoMafuYume thank you for the request. Sorry it took me so long just to make this. Ww

Sakata: Mafu-chii! Are you at home? I left my mic at your house can I come over to get it?

Mafu: Wow, how careless of you -_-

Mafu: As expected of sakatan..

Mafu: sure come over I don't mind ^^

Sakata: thanks T-T *whispers* why are my friends so mean to me? Urata is also like this, even though we are dating...

Mafu: Can't blame him ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌ so are you coming over or not? I'm cooking dinner, the doors unlocked so just enter the apartment when you get here.

Sakata: Mafu cooking is a bit..... Just don't burn the house down before I get my mic.

Mafu: ヽ(`⌒´)ノ Oi

At mafu's apartment
"Honestly leaving the apartment door unlocked is dangerous" Sakata sighed as he arrived.

"it'll be fine~ what are you my mom? Sorry but Ama-chan is already me second mom~"

"Wth no! Just no."

"Whatever wanna taste my cooking?"

"Are you trying to kill me??"

"Just shut up and just try the risotto!" Mafu shoved the spoon in Sakata's mouth


"Oh, whoops sorry~"

"At least show more concern....I'll cry ya know?"

" are already crying. So how's it taste?"

"Its actually really good, but it would've been better if it wasn't too HOT."

"I said sorry didn't I?"

"Whatever I'll just go home now since I've already got my mic~ I don't want to get abused any further by you."

"Kay bye~"

After some time
"Mafu I'm back!"

"Luz!!! Welcome back!" Mafu eagerly ran to the door to greet his lover.

"Have you been good while I was gone?" Luz asked as he patted Mafu's head.

"Yeah! I even cooked something, come see!" Mafu dragged him to the kitchen.

"Tada!~ I made risotto just for you!!" The albino smiled as he served luz a plate of it.

"Oh my goodness, Mafu thank you! How'd you know this was my favourite food?"

"Hehe what can I say I'm such a good boyfriend ~"

"Thank you so much honestly, but I don't want you to hurt yourself while cooking." Luz said pointing at Mafu's bandaged fingers.

"Oh, okay...but I wanted to learn how to cook to make you happy." Mafu pouted.

"Just being with you already makes me soo happy!"

"Really? I feel the same! Whenever I'm around Luz I become thiiiss happy!" Mafu said as he stretched his hands as wide as he could smiling goofily.

"Aww!! You're too precious ~ do you wanna play games together later? Since we don't have work tomorrow?" Luz said as he hugged mafu.


"Great, then for now let's enjoy the meal"

The couple played Mario until Mafu fell asleep on the couch. Luz looked at him and smiled before carying him to the bedroom and tucking him into bed.

"Goodnight" luz said as he kissed Mafu's forehead. "Have sweet dreams, my little angel"


Extra! While playing Mario~

"Ah Luz why are you running around so much? You're clearing all the stages without me!"

"That's fine Mafu doesn't have to do anything, just relax I'll clear this game for you!" Luz said with determination.

"I WANT TO PLAY TOO!!" Mafu whined.


This does not feel like a proper mafuluz fanfic ww I am so sorry for this.

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