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She is as beautiful as the moon, and as bright as it, but make no mistake. Like the moon, a part of her is hidden.


Chapter two

the journey



Seraphina Fireborn rolled her eyes in Brandon's direction before gripping the reins, her horse named Fury, slowed down to the point where she rode besides Lyanna, who watched her youngest sister with mirth in her eyes. Sighing a little more dramatically, she smiled innocently when Brandon turned around, a glare already set on his face. She winked playfully before reaching into her satchel and throwing him an apple than he barely caught in time.

"You should eat, brother!" She called out, her mischievous tone caught the attention of her two older brothers and her soon to be brother-in-law's attention. "You're not you when your hungry." She said playfully, before tightening her legs on her horses waist, giving him the go to run off in a full sprint.

Brandon growled lowly before grudgingly biting the red apple that was given to him, sparking the laughter of his siblings and Robert Baratheon. He rolled his eyes before looking forward, watching Sera ride her horse happily, a big smile on her face, attracting the attention of many men from his party, including his soon to be brothers as well.

She was a sight for sore eyes.

The bastard girl rode her lovely horse, that, if he were drunk he would of surely thought that she was riding a bloody cow. The horse had the coloring of a cow but it definitely didn't have the speed of one. It was as if the horse and her were one, she could pass off as being one of those people that were half human and half horses that he read about in his studies once.

Another impressing factor concerning the Stark girls were their resilience. Instead of riding in the carriage like most of the girls from North houses did, for weeks as their brothers rode, they rode as well, sitting tall and proud alongside their brothers.

Riding back to her siblings, she took her spot besides Benjen and Robert, since they rode in order. Brandon rode up front, sitting tall and proud as his furs enveloped him, he had a stern face, not an ounce of laughter found in his sharp eyes. He looked the part of being heir of Winterfell in a stride. Besides him rode Ned, his face set in a amused grin as he looked over to the side, watching the way Sera threw Lyanna a playful look to which Lyanna laughed and stuck her tongue at her. Lyanna was next, then Benjen and Sera was last. Robert sat next to her to symbolize his soon to be involvement with the family. He was to be family.

Laughing to herself, she turned over to Robert and flashed him a grin, a way to make him feel involved and it did just that. Robert gave her a wide grin, his cheeks rosey from amusement.

Seraphina Fireborn was an exotic little thing, unlike any other woman he has ever seen. He remembered meeting her as a child when he was came to Winterfell with his father and mother to set up the whole arrangement between the Lyanna and himself. She was taller than her older sister, and still was till this day, but she was lanky and boyish in frame, her face was beautiful enough though.

Now though, the Stark's highborn bastard sister has grown into her frame beautifully and it was hard to ignore. The girl was of age one and five but carried herself in a very mature way. She was taller than her sister but shorter than Benjen - the youngest male Stark.

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