Last minute decision

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I held the youngers hand in mine, I only had a few more hours left with my friends before I left to go back home, I didn't want to leave but I needed to see my other friends "we'll miss you Jae we'll all come vist you soon" Joy said as she parked the car "you know my train doesn't come for another few hours you know" I said as we all got out of the car, I didn't want this night to end, these past few days with these 5 idiots were the best I've had "you and Brian are cute you know" Wendy smiled as Brian back hugged me "I know" I smiled pressing a kiss on the youngers cheek "I'm gonna miss this" I whispered taking the youngers hand in my own

"Okay stop being all cute an shit before I puke" I heard a deep toned voice say "Chanyeol let be cute you little shit" Baekhyun said basically jumping on the taller but younger males back "Chanyeol you shouldn't be talking you and Baekhyun make out so much im suprised I haven't thrown up yet" Joy said laughing "shut up Joy you don't even have a boyfriend" Brian said "fuck off" Joy mumbled


we walked around town laughing and talking as much as no one wanted to admit it no one wanted my train to come, we walked into a small park with a fountain, us being us we sat at the fountain, me and Brian sitting down in front of the fountain, his arms wrapped around me, I pressed my face into his shoulder

"i dont know if I wanna awe from how cute you to are or actually die" Wendy said, "or a little bit of both" Joy mumbled under her breath "fuck you too" Wendy glared making everyone laugh "Do you have to go" Brian whined "yes" "says who" "says me" I giggled pressing my lips on his "I'm gonna miss you though" he pouted "I'll miss you too" I whispered with a sad smile


we decided to head back to the train station because my train would be there in less then an hour "this will always be the hardest part of saying goodbye besides actually saying goodbye" I whispered looking down at the ground, Brian wrapped his arns around me as tears slowly fell from my eyes "shhh I know" he whispered I felt another presence "waiting is the hardest part" I heard chanyeol say rubbing my back "I love you" Brian whispered calming me down "I don't want to leave" my voice muffled as I cried into his chest "then don't if you want to stay a couple more days then do it I don't mind" he whispered rubbing my back "I have to go back to my friend he's-" "shhhh just tell him to come over I don't mind picking him up" he continued to rub mu back "wanna go sit in the car for a couple minutes" I nodded my head as we walked back to the car "remember I love you" he smiled before opening the car door and sitting next to me "come here" he whispered opening his arms, I scooted over more into his warm embrace "I love you so much" I mumbled into his chest "I love you too"


I ended up staying, I let Kevin know and he said Sungjin would be taking the 12:30 train, I let Brian know before pressing my lips against the youngers

♥️I'm In Love Now♥️
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