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When I got back to the castle, everyone was in the courtyard. The other guests were dancing while everyone greeted the new couple. Instead of dancing, I stood on the outsides of the dancefloor. I watched as the other guests danced to the music. The same damn music that my father made the band play over and over again. It was torturous, to say the least.

I made my way to my sister and her new husband, Daniel, who were standing near a large dining table. As I made my way to them, a familiar voice caught my attention. "Manuel," the voice said, "Manuel!"

I turned around and saw my father rushing up to me. I walked towards him at a slower pace, mentally preparing myself for the conversation that was about to take place. "Hello, Father," I replied to him when I got close enough.

"Son, why haven't you greeted any of the princesses yet? They have all claimed that you have been elusive of them, often hurrying off. There are multiple princesses who are looking for a suitor here."

"Well, to be honest with you, Father, I do not want to take away Miranda's spotlight. Today is about her and her new husband, not about me trying to find a suitor."

"It does not hurt to try to look for one tonight, Manuel. Are you afraid?"

"Father, I just told-uh, never mind." If there was one thing that I learned in my short life on this planet Earth, it was to never talk back to my father. My father was a tyrant, and when he didn't hear something that he liked, he would explode. I knew my limits when it came to talking to him. I did everything in my power to keep him from exploding.

My father, still ignoring me, looked across the courtyard. He pointed at a young lady who was surrounded by men. "Her," my father said, "get her. I want you to introduce yourself to her. Go dance with her."

"Father, she is already surrounded by men. There is no way that I could get her now."

"If I have learned anything while in power, it is that if you want something, you won't stop until you get it." That quote. That damn quote. He always used this quote when he was talking about my relationships with women. It was quite annoying after a while. Yet, I just bared with it. I nodded my head. My father gave me a reassuring smile. "I know that you can do it," he said, "because we all have our eyes in you. Now, go get that maiden!"

My father pushed me into the crowd of people. I stumbled forward, doing my best to catch myself. Yet, when I lost my balance completely, I felt someone grab my shoulders, catching me mid-fall. I looked up and saw the man from earlier, Prince Jonathan. My cheeks turned a light pink color as Prince Jonathan placed me on my feet. "I saw that you needed a lift," he chuckled.

I smiled and shook my head. "That was a bad joke," I replied.

"Yes, it was supposed to be bad," he said softly as he stepped closer to me, "so that you would smile. I wanted to see your smile again. Your soft, warming smile." Prince Jonathan smiled as he grabbed my right hand and placed his other hand on the side of my lower ribcage. He lifted our hands and he extended his arm out, causing my arm to be extended as well. The prince's eyes were shining brilliantly. "Shall we dance?" Before I could say anything, the prince started to dance. I placed my free hand on his right shoulder as we made our way across the dancefloor.

It took me quite a while for me to get used to not leading the dance. I was usually the one who led the dances, for I normally danced with females. Yet, it was quite nice for a change. I didn't have to worry about running into people, I didn't need to worry about where to go next, for Prince Jonathan was leading the way. Whenever he wasn't worrying about where to go, he kept his eyes on me. He seemed to be watching my every move, my every glance, my every expression. I always made sure to keep at least one eye on my dancing partner. As I kept one eye on him, I kept another one out for anyone who would be watching us. I hated to be watched, and since I was dancing with another male, that placed a big target on both of our backs. Yet, no one was staring. No one was even paying attention to us. They were all looking at their other dance partners. I sighed in relief as I looked at Prince Jonathan with both of my eyes. I looked at my side and saw that his hand wasn't where he had placed it earlier. It was on my hip. I looked back at Prince Jonathan, who gave me a sly grin. I smiled back at the man.

Soon, the relief that I had felt vanished when I heard my father talking over the music. "Well," he said, "I just don't know why your brother feels like he has the right to dance with my son! It's uncalled for, and unlawful here!"

I guess that Prince Jonathan heard my father talking as well, for he stopped dead in his tracks. He led me off of the dance floor, doing his best to weave around everyone. We stopped on the other side of the courtyard. The prince looked at me with saddened eyes. "Did I do something wrong?" Prince Jonathan asked. I shook my head.

"No, Prince Jonathan," I replied softly, "you did not do anything wrong. You did everything right. It is just...homo-"

"Manuel," I heard someone call from across the courtyard. I looked at where the voice was coming from. My father had called my name. "Stay here," I said to the prince. I sighed as I walked over to him. When I reached my father, I was attacked with questions.

"Who was that? Was that the prince from the Groffton Kingdom? Did he force you to dance with him? Is know...trying to 'butter you up?' Does he even know our laws and regulations? Does he-"

"Father," I interrupted, "please! Why do we need to be discussing this here? This is not the time and place for this! This is Miranda's wedding! Can we please wait to discuss this at a later time?"

"Manuel! Do not use that tone of voice with me! I am your father, and I am your king! You should not evade my questions!"

"King Joseph," an onlooker said quietly, "why don't we relax, have a drink? It will take your mind off of things. Let us be joyous and merry! It is your daughter's wedding, after all."

"No! I do not want to stop this conversation! I want answers, and I want them NOW! I do not care about this freaking wedding any longer!"

I backed up, and I ordered for everyone else to do the same. I looked at my sister, who seemed very distraught. She led her husband away from my father, leaning into him for comfort. I ran back to Prince Jonathan, who was where I had left him. He grabbed my hand. "Manuel," he softly whispered as everyone started to run away, "did I cause this? Did I cause the end of your sister's wedding? Did I cause your father's explosion?"

"No," I replied gently, "I did."

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