Call Me Maybe?

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I was lying in my room when Wendy burst throw my door. "ROBBIE I NEED HELP!!!!!!" she yelled at me while i jumped. 

"whoa you scared the hell out of me Wends. what do you need?" i ask really confused why she cause me out of all her friends to ask for help. she broke up with me a few weeks ago and I thought it would be awkward forever cause after all my attempts I finally gave up and lost my feelings for her but now were pretty good friends again.

she rushed an explainashion about her situation. "Okay Wendy, enplane this to me one more time. But this time lets try with words" i said with a small smirk on my face and she looks at me annoyed.

"Okay so there's this guy-" I imeditly got up and put on my best teenage girl act by jumping up and down doing an annoying sequel. "O M GOODNESS WENDY THERES A BOY YOU NEED TO TELL ME EVEY SINGLE DETAIL ABOUT HIS EVERY THING CAUSE I TOTALLY CARE ABOUT THAT!!!!" I said in the most annoying voice I could muster and fell on the bed to improve the act. I sat up and looked at her with a 'really' face. "That's how much I don't care about some new guy."

"C'mon Robbie! when you start crushing on someone, ill help you hook up with them!" she insisted.

I sighed rubbing my temples wanting nothing more then to crawl under a rock and die. of all people, Wendy wanted to use me to help her hook up with a new guy in town.

"come on Robbie! Ill do anything! Ill own you one forever!" the redhead begged. acutely begged for my help." all you have to do is let me sing lead in one of your practices and let Mitch listen in."

"okay fine ill ask the guys to see, but you so owe me." trying to hide the defeat in my voice.

"thanks Robbie your the best!" she said as she hugged me and ran off to tell him

this is going to be a long practice.


not only did i have to play this stupid song for Wendy crush but he had to be hot.  With his stupid hot face and stupid cu- "wow Robbie you need to stop" I told myself

 He was leaning against his van in an jacket. he had a very muscler form and straight blond hair. he wore a smirk as wendy talked to him. i shot him a glare that he couldn't see from were i was.

i got everything hocked up and turned to tell wendy who was already ready. she turned and asked" you ready?'

"as ready as i'll every be" i grumble

wendy sang  "I threw a wish in the well,

Don't ask me, I'll never tell

I looked to you as it fell,

And now you're in my way

I'd trade my soul for a wish,

Pennies and dimes for a kiss

I wasn't looking for this,

But now you're in my way"
She stared dancing and the guys got a chuckle out of it. I swayed my hips as the song continued.

"Your stare was holdin',

Ripped jeans, skin was showin'

Hot night, wind was blowin'

Where do you think you're going, baby?

Hey, I just met you,

And this is crazy,

But here's my number,

So call me, maybe!

It's hard to look right

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2019 ⏰

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