Part 20:The Trip Pt.3

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2 hours later
Myles POV:
"Mylessss" Zimora says waking me up

"Huhh" I say stretching

"You been sleep for like 2 hours now ,come on get up" Zimora says sitting in my lap

"I mean😏I can't get up now😂" I say wrapping my arms around her

"But seriously let's go out to eat , go to the movies , go play basketball or something we never do anything together " Zimora says looking me in my eyes.....and she actually right we never do anything together

"Alright let's go play basketball " I say

"I was hoping you said that I already got my outfit picked out😂" Zimora says running upstairs she comes back down in this

"I was hoping you said that I already got my outfit picked out😂" Zimora says running upstairs she comes back down in this

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"Uhh them shorts kind of short" I say looking her up and down

"Duhh they shorts🙄 " she says walking out the door

"Ayee hold up let me get my ball" I say running upstairs

Tiara POV:
I ended up going upstairs and falling asleep right next to Tyler but when I woke up he was no where to be found I get up and go into the hallway and this bitch bumps into me😒

"Excuse you😕" I say mugging her

"No excuse you😕" Tanesia says mugging me

"No bitch you bumped into me wtf" I say kind of loud making Nadia and Caleb walk into the hallway

"First of all idk who you calling a bitch " Tanesia says stepping up to me getting Kiyah and Jahi's attention

"You-BITCH " I say real loud causing Dante and Tyler to walk into the hallway

"Ayee what's going on out here" Dante says

"Yo girlfriend finna get her ass beat " I say

"Tee😒" Kiyah says looking at me

"Oh really😕" Tanesia says getting in my face but I muff her then she swings but I weave her shit then start throwing straight punches Dante looked like he was about to jump in or something so Tyler stopped him

"Aye man I know we friends but if you touch her we finna have to square up" Tyler says with a serious face and Dante just stands back I was beating her ass so she grabbed my hair and tried to drag me but I grabbed hers and yanked her into the wall then started punching her in her face then somehow we rolled over and she got on top of me and started punching me in my face but I rolled us back over and just start working her head till she stopped swinging and Tyler had to come pull me off of her she was in the corner crying with Nadia and Dante comforting her Tyler dragged me back into the room but my adrenaline was still pumping so I couldn't stay still for shit

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