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------DEO Headquarters-----------

The entire building was still in blackout mode thanks to the electrical surges that had streamed throughout the whole place by the time Thor, Kara, and Alex made it there.

"Winn, J'onn, what's going on?" Kara hastily asks when they found the two in the dark. "Livewire is still in trapped in her glass prison, but somehow she managed to turn this into something from Fear the Walking Dead," Winn tells them. "Well it's good to know that show exists on this universe," Thor quips, "but more to the point, I'm guessing that's a power she's has not acquired up until now." The lights came back on, "We managed to get the backup power on this floor," J'onn informs. Sure enough, Winn was able to get the monitor back on to show Livewire still in her glass prison. "She looks way too collected for this," Kara observes.

Thor takes another good look at the monitor; he takes notice of Livewire's familiar wide grin. It was then the Asgardian realize they had fallen into a trap, "That's not Livewire," he mutters, then back away. "What? Thor what's wrong?" Kara asks with concern. "Where in this building are you keeping the Tesseract?" he asks J'onn. "Ground floor," J'onn answers, taking notice of the way Thor was about to bolt in that direction, "Why are you asking?" "Because I fear we may fallen into another one of my brother's elaborate schemes," Thor replies with a solemn tone. Exchanging glances, Kara follows Thor to the ground floor.


When the two superheros make it to the ground floor, they take notice the Tesseract was still under lock and key. "Whatever your brother was planning, it looks like he missed the opportunity to steal this thing," Kara comments. "I don't think so," Thor says with skepticism, "With Loki, no plan of his is ever that simple."

Kara does on the double take on the Tesseract; it was emanating a different kind of glow then last time she saw it. She uses her x-ray vision to scan it, "Uh, Thor," she says, "I'm no expert on these kind of artifacts, but I don't think the Tesseract is suppose to be transparent like the way a projection is." Thor frowns, then proceeds to put his hand through the glass container. The projection disappeared, showing that the glass had actually been broken through and the Tesseract was gone. "I was right," Thor confirms, "We've been tricked."

"Looking for this?" they hear Livewire's voice. Turning around Kara and Thor notice the smug prisoner, with the contained cube in her hands. "She has the Tesseract!" Thor exclaims. "That's impossible, you're still in your cell," Kara insists. "And that is what make this the ultimate trick," Livewire says with a wicked grin before channeling electricity, heavily induced by the Tesseract, at the ceiling, causing the resulting debris to practically bury Kara and Thor.


Meanwhile, having decided to heed Thor's misgivings, J'onn headed for the detention level. Right as he got there, the doors to Livewire's glass holding cell opens, and the image of Livewire disappeared, revealing a raven haired man with green eyes and attire. "You must be Thor's brother," J'onn says taking a stance. "And nothing seems to escape your observation," Loki mocks, "I am Loki of Asgard, and I have come for the Tesseract."

"If you want the Tesseract, you'll have to go through me," J'onn replies, then transforms into his Martian form. J'onn charges at Loki; Loki seems to flinch, but it turned out to be a projection that J'onn went right through. J'onn ends up in the holding cell which closes the moment he falls in face first. The real Loki was on the other side. "Clearly you lot have been spending way too much time with brother, otherwise you wouldn't have fallen for such a simple trick," Loki mocks some more with a smile.

J'onn bangs on the glass, hoping to break it, all to no avail. Loki's smile breaks out into a wide grin, knowing his plan has succeeded. "You wont' get away with this," J'onn challenges. "Won't I?" Loki challenges back. J'onn uses his telepathic powers to reach Loki's mind. Loki winces a little at the intrusion. "Please," Loki sneers, attempting to conceal the uneasiness, "I'm a master of magic, well adverse in the power of mind control; it's going to take a whole lot more then what you could possibly muster." J'onn increases the telepathic wavelength towards Loki, who only increases his powers to barricade his mind.

As the psychic battle proceeded, Loki seemed to weaken; J'onn had barely breached the Asgardian's mind long enough to see part of what and whom Loki had been plotting with. "Get. Out. of. my. Mind!" Loki finally summoned enough magic to force J'onn out of his mind; the impact was enough to physically knock the Martian back against the cell. Loki too seemed to suffer some repercussions from the impact as he faltered to his knees for a split second.

"If you're quite done, I believe the time has come for me to return to my own dimension," Loki says weakly, about to leave. "Don't do this," J'onn warns. "I looked into your mind and saw you're collaborating with Cadmus. You can't trust them. They will betray you." "Or maybe I'll betray them," Loki counters, "rest assured those bigoted fools are not the only ones who are capable of deceit." With that, Loki leaves the room and heads off to find Livewire.


"Kara!" Thor exclaims as he dug himself out of the rubble. He frantically looks around, digging through the debris in search of his new friend.   "Kara Zor-El, where are you?" he calls out again, "Please, tell me you're okay."

"I'm okay." Thor turns around to see Kara was brushing dust off her suit. "Kara, you're unharmed," Thor breathes a sigh of relief. "More or less," Kara says brushing the rest of the dust off her arms, "but I think we have more important things to worry about." "The Tesseract," Thor remembers, "That Livewire still has it. And she's probably meeting up with Loki to exchange it,"  The two run off to the entrance of the building.


Sure enough, Loki and Livewire met each other right at the entrance of the DEO. "I see you've done your part well," Loki compliments, "You have what I came here for?" Livewire pulls out the containment with the Tesseract, "You were right," she grins, "It was more then enough to bury Supergirl six feet under. What's the next step?"

"Well now that we have this," Loki begins, but before he could further explains, the Asgardian presses to palm to his temple, almost as if he was experiencing an headache. Livewire frowns a little at this display, "Everything alright up there?" she asks. "Just a little pain, nothing to worry about," Loki assures.

Another jolt of pain courses through his head; this time it was more intense. Livewire also took notice of a little blood coming out of his nose. "Well I guess this was as good a time as any to do this," she shrugs. "What...What are you..." "Lillian Luthor promised me my revenge and then some if I double crossed you and took this power cube directly to them," she explains, "It'll save them time to do it themselves. And frankly this little episode you're having is working well in my favor too."

Loki attempts to reach his hand to the cube, but only doubles over from the pain in his head. With that, Livewire takes off with the cube in hand; transforming into electrical surges to channel her way to the electrical poles and out of the city.  

Kara and Thor both made it to the entrance, only to see Livewire was nowhere to be seen. "Where did Livewire go?" Kara asks. The two notice Loki, who was on his knees, and holding his as if in pain. "Loki?" Thor calls out in slight concern.

Loki turns around slightly to see his brother. Kara grabs Loki by the front of his shirt and pulls him to face him, "Where is Livewire, what happened to the Tesseract?" she demands.

"Tesseract....Cadmus....Luthor..." Loki weakly replies. Just then, he flops to the floor; thrashing about as if he was having a seizure.

"Loki!" Thor rushes towards the trickster. He tries to hold Loki down in attempt to stop the thrashing, "Stay with me, brother," Thor urges as Alex and other DEO agents arrive on the scene. "He needs help," the blonde Asgardian pleads.

The agents were hesitant to offer medical help, especially Alex, "Alex he really needs help," Kara insists, "I know he's a bad guy, but he is Thor's brother. We can't just let him die."

Alex gives the signal for some of the agents to carry Loki and get him to the infirmary.

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