Chapter 4 Be Our Guest

Start from the beginning

Hermione sat on the ground with her knees pressed against her chest. The once brave girl looked scared and tired. He suddenly felt really bad for shouting at her.

She once again pulled out her copy of Hogwarts; A History when there was another knock at the door, but Hermione could tell this one was closer to the bottom of the door. "I told you to go away!", she said in a shaky voice.

"Don't worry, it's only Pansy." Hermione got up to answer the door with a smile on her face.

"Pansy Parkinson?" Pansy swept into the room, dusting off the windows and furniture.

"The one and only. My goodness it's been a long time since this room has been clean, however, it's also been a long time since we've had guests", she said as she sat on the bed. "I'm so sorry about him. He's been cranky all his life."

"Why? What made him so miserable?"

"That's not important right now. You must be hungry because of that long journey. Would you like some dinner before bed?" Hermione hadn't even realized that Pansy had been able to move her from the bed to the door.

"I don't think he'd be too happy if I didn't eat with him. He'd probably make sure that I never see sunlight again." Hermione crossed her arms and stared at the ground. Pansy could tell that the beast had really frightened her.

"You can't take everything so seriously. People say stupid things when they're angry, but they hardly ever mean it." Suddenly a vision flashed through Hermione's head.

'Nobody asked for your opinion. You filthy little Mudblood.'

"However, that also doesn't mean that what they say is okay in the first place." Pansy was about to continue, but she noticed Hermione's scared look. "Everything alright, dear?" She watched as Hermione snapped back to reality.

"Oh yes. I'm fine."

"Are you sure you're not hungry?", Pansy asked with a smirk. She was very well aware that Hermione hated admitting she was wrong, so here was her opportunity to have some fun.



"Places everyone!", Blaise shouted as the dining room was preparing for a big show.

"If he finds out you've fed her, he will blame all of us!", said Theo.

"Theo, you worry way too much. What's worse, him being angry for a second, or us being furniture for forever?" Blaise didn't even wait to hear Theo's answer when he watched Pansy strode over to him.

"This plan of yours is dangerous. Be careful how you handle things."

Hermione sat down at the end chair when she saw a spotlight hit Blaise. "Good day, Miss Granger. It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight. Now we invite you to relax, pull up a chair, as the dining room proudly presents", he paused. "Your dinner. Be our guest, be our guest, put our service to the test. Tie a napkin round your neck darling, and we'll provide the rest. Soup du jour, hot butterbeer. There's a reason why you're here. Try the grey stuff, it's delicious. Don't believe me? Ask the dishes. They can sing, it's not tragic. After all, this is magic." Hermione smiled during the whole show. It had been forever since she had eaten food this good.

At the end of the show, it seemed that all the cursed furniture in the castle had joined in. She saw one of the crystals fall off the chandelier, but when she looked up, the entire chandelier was starting to fall on top of the dining table. She let out a murderous scream and covered her face with her hands, but when she reopened them, the chandelier was in perfect condition, still attached to the ceiling.

"Well, I think that's enough for tonight", said the teapot that sat on the tea tray beside the table. "I think you should get some rest." Pansy sighed as she watched the teapot take Hermione up to her room.

"What went wrong?", asked Pansy.

"She's remembering this place. Well, bits and pieces, but from her reaction, I'm guessing they're bad memories." Blaise turned toTheo. This is something we need to talk to Draco about."

Pansy, Blaise and Theo travelled up to the library to see Draco lost in another book. "Draco, we have a problem. Draco slammed this book closed and glared at the three objects on the floor.

"What?" They explained to him what happened, and hoped he would answer their questions. "You fed her dinner?", Draco growled at Theo, who gave Blaise a look of, 'you better take the blame for this or so help me since it was your idea.'

"That is not important right now. She starting to remember. Maybe she can break the curse." All three of them had smiles, but Draco had a frown.

"Do you even hear yourselves right now? This is Granger, the girl who slapped me in third year. She'd never fall for me, especially if she remembers! Look at me. Let's just face it. We're all doomed."

"Don't think like that!" Blaise was about to continue talking, but Draco interrupted.

"Shush", Draco growled and listened to the air. "Something's not right."

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