Gary Oak (Pokémon)

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"You didn't beat Erika? Arceus you suck." Gary snorted as you glared at him. "Shut up Gary." You huffed. Wow, so basically you and Gary were rivals other than Ash, but you always manage to be around Gary's level and be wherever he is.

And now you two just happened to bump into each other as you were in the Pokémon center.

You received your now healed Pokémon and thanked Nurse Joy, then turned. You saw Gary talking to his grandfather, the famous Professor Oak. You blink multiple times. How did he get on a call with his grandfather so fast?


But you didn't care. You leap behind Gary and "accidentally" yell into his ear. "Hello Professor Oak~!" You tried not to roll onto the ground laughing when Gary nearly jumped and dropped his phone. He glared at you for nearly breaking his ears.

"Ah, hello (Name)! I see you're with Gary." The famous professor chuckled. "Does that mean you two are traveling companions?" You couldn't see it, but Gary's face went red.

"Of course not! We just meet! It's like she's following me everywhere!" He replied, eyeing you suspiciously. You roll your eyes. "I'm not. He just slows down for me so that I have chances to be on a higher level than him." You smirk. "No way." Gary scoffed.

The both of you argue as Professor Oak tried not to laugh. "Now, now, let's stop fighting. You two are both strong." He smiled purely. You and Gary stop and huffed, looking away from each other. "I should be going now. Good luck you two!" Then the call ended.

~Professor Oak takes off his head mask, revealing Kuroo under. "Ah, youth."~ (HAHAHAH IM JOKING DON'T WORRY KUROO NEVER HAS A PURE SMILE HE HAS A DORKY SMILE)

"I'm going to train to beat Erika, so bye." You pick up your bag. Gary stared but talked quickly. "Wait." He smirked. You turn your head to him. "What do you want?"

"I'll help you train. You seem like you're in a really tight spot. And I already beat Erika so it'd be best for me to help you." He licked his bottom lip. You couldn't help but blush yet glare. "Why would I let you help me? You should just go off and I'll catch up to you sooner or later." You reply coldly, though you secretly did want his company around you.

"Ohohoho. And I can't be your traveling companion too, babe. We can win the Pokémon league together and step on Ash."

"Go away, Gary!"


Sorry that this story made no sense at all.


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