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I felt the wind blow me back a bit. I nearly slipped but held myself. I pulled put a piece of sharp glass from behind me and gripped onto it.

The sharp edges cut through my hand as I held it on the girl's neck.
"Do you regret it?" I asked laughing bitterly.

All she could do was struggle under my arms. Her tears wet my arm.

"I asked you a question!" I yelled pushing the blade closer to her skin.

She cried as she shook her head.
A group of people walked in barging through the crowd of student.

"Please...you don't have to do this," one of them said. I felt a smirk creep up onto my lips.

"Yes I do...and I'm going to take her with me." I stepped back almost falling off the building when I heard my name.

"Y/N! Don't do this!" I looked down and saw you who pushed through the crowd. I smiled and took another step back with her in my arms crying.

"Your parents wouldn't want you to do this. You're no better than her if you do this." My smirk fell off my face immediately when you mentioned my parents.

You hit my weak spot. My grip around her neck loosened as I dropped the glass. I heard it break as it fell to the ground below.

My arms slipped off her as I dropped, tears blurring my vision.
I saw you walk slowly towards me welcoming me into your arms.

But I never got to feel that.

"Son of a bitch." The girl yelled before kicking me off the rooftop.

I fell...hitting the ground like the piece of glass.

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