Chapter 4: Lies that Spread from Loss of Friends- Class Trial (Layne)

Start from the beginning

"That explanation seems reasonable. I saw Mien a little while before I went and fought Azura, and she was still alive. And the nighttime announcement went off shortly after you left the ice rink, Layne." Jack said.

"Oh, you're finally speaking now?" Ren asked, and sighed. "Why don't you confess while you're at it?"

"What?" Azura questioned. "What do you mean by confess?"

"I told you all already, didn't I?" Ren said, "Jack said he was going to kill the mastermind, so... I assume that the mastermind was Mien."

"That's a bold accusation you have there!" Monokuma shouted.

"Why would you think Mien was the mastermind? Is it really just because she died?" Roy asked.

"It's the most logical assumption to make at this point." Ren said.

"Hold the fuck on!" Jack yelled out. "I'm not the killer! It's obviously Azura!"

"Why am I being brought into this?" Azura asked.

"I went to sleep before you did, after you defeated me! So because I couldn't stop you, you went and killed Mien!" Jack said.

"Objection!" I yelled out. "Ren, Jack... You're both wrong. Neither Jack or Azura could have killed Mien. Because I locked the room from the outside before they started, and we saw that there was no other way to leave the ice rink. They were also with each other the whole night, and even past the murder, so they have alibis." I explained.

"Ah, that makes perfect sense!" Atsuki said.

Jack just glared at me, silent.

"So that narrows the suspects down to Chouko, Ren, Atsuki, Layne and me." Roy said.

"Ah, but if I remember correctly... Ren, didn't you say you were with Atsuki all night, distracting her for Jack's plan?" I asked.

"Unfortunately. I was threatened to." Ren said.

"I can confirm that I was with Ren the whole time!" Atsuki said.

"So that lowers it down to Roy, Chouko, and Layne then, huh?" Azura asked.

"B-But it can't be me or Roy... We were with each other in my room all night since the nighttime announcement went off." Chouko said.

Roy looked over at Chouko and started to speak, "W-"

"So are you saying that Layne is the only other option? The killer?" Jack asked.

"W-Wait, what?" I asked, "H-Hold on, I'm not-"

"I guess it makes sense. Layne doesn't have an alibi after she left the ice rink, does she?" Ren asked.

"She has to be then... Layne killed Mien...?" Chouko said.

"H-Hold on a second!" I yelled out.

Monokuma spoke up. "Alright everyone! It is time to vote on who you believe is the blackened! You all have a screen infront of you to make your choice, so go ahead and vote!" Monokuma laughed.

"W-Wait, hold on a second, we aren't finished discussing this-" Roy started.

"Too bad! Hurry up and vote!" Monokuma yelled. "Or else!"

Roy glared back at Monokuma.

I didn't notice anything else. I just stared blankly forwards. I didn't even vote.

After everyone voted, our screen showed a gambling machine titled "Monokuma Vote." The wheels inside it spun until all three landed on me... The machine shook as guilty flashed on the bottom of the machine and money came out of it. The screen turned off and went away.

"Well, only three of you actually voted, but... You guys got it right! Layne Alvarez, the Ultimate Lawyer, killed Mien Hirai, the Ultimate Police Agent!" Monokuma laughed.

"What...?" I heard Atsuki say.

"So it was her..." Chouko said.

"H-Hold on..." I said, still staring blankly. "I-I'm not... I didn't...!"

My eyes darted to Azura, who was staring at me... I couldn't make an expression out of it... My mind isn't functioning properly right now...

"Well, I suppose it's time for the execution!" Monokuma said.

"Hold on! Why are you making this the verdict?! This isn't-" Roy yelled out.

"Upupupu~ Let's give it everything we've got!" Monokuma yelled, laughing.

I still stared blankly at Azura. "Azu... ra..." I could feel myself blacking out... As if fear had just taken over my entire body... Dread...

I'm going to die.

"It's punishment time!" Monokuma yelled, then pulled out a mallet, and hit a big red button next to his chair.

I heard the metal chain get launched out from behind me and I felt it lock around my neck.

The last thing I could see before being dragged of was Azura, staring at me... I could see his expression, now... I know what he's feeling.

He's in pain too.

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