Chapter 2

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Hermione Granger was many things she was a witch, infact she was a witch, she was a war veteran and now she was a werewolf.

Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom and Ginny Weasley were currently sitting in the newly rebuilt Gryffindor common room they were the only Gryffindors to stay behind and help rebuild after their war as most were visiting family.

All was peacefull until Hermione burst into the room in a hurry and started her rant.

"Ummm guys I need to tell you something." Hermione starts nervously.

" Whatever it is you should say it before the nargles make you forget." Luna says in her usual tone

"Ok well remember when we got taken to Malfoy manner?"

There's an eerie silence around the room. Then Hermione bursts into uncontrollable tears. Luna and Ginny gently hug her successfully calming her down

"Dont worry mi." Luna replies going slowly.

"You can tell us anything!" Ginny says calmly.

"He turned me! Fenrir Greyback!"

"What do you mean Mione?" Harry asks completely thrown off.

"Im.....I...Im a werewolf."

This was part of a book I was going to write but it was too short so I added it here. Tell me if you like it because there is more!

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