Chapter 29

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(Sloane's POV)

So it hadn't been the best of mornings. Let's not mention how I woke up.. or the fact that I had been happy for all of five seconds that Isbal had rid our house of Taint.. let's just skip right the fuck over the nude Fire Coven Zombies melting into puddles on our carpet.. I was more pissed off at the fact during this shit storm someone had the balls to destroy our office.

When it rains it pours. I wanted to cry but had no tears. No really. I think my eye glands were dried out from the smoke I imagined releasing from my pores from anger. There was no where to vent this anger, really. It wasn't even something I could blame on the Supe's of the city. I knew for a damn fact that some low scum burglars had broke into our place, trashed it, and taken anything of value. Which wasn't much but they'd thrown our files everywhere, ripped the stuffing out of anything with a cushion, cut a picture painting in half, ripped out the plants in their pots, and I'm one hundred percent positive one of them peed on my desk.

As soon as I walked in, I exited. Welp, looks like I'm done with our Investigating business. Time to move on. Like hell I'm going to try and fix that up just to stress about working for the humans. I'd rather go with the plan of taking cases only for the Supernatural community. That's going to start as soon as we get settled at the place Finn had given to me.

"Looks like there's no work today guys! Let's cancel all the appointments and say fuck it."

Cece stood petrified in the doorway and Jared was rubbing his forehead in either frustration, anger or in an attempt to not start crying. I was going with frustration but who knows, maybe my brother was going soft. With a glance into his eyes I crossed that off. His wolf was riding him something hard.

There were humans walking on the sidewalk near where we stood and I began to get nervous that he was going to accidentally shift. So I did something I didn't know if it was going to work, I opened the link between us and ripped his wolf from him. It fucking hurt. I'm not sure about him but it felt like I just got bulldozed with a stun gun. It's impossible to technically get bulldozed by one but that's my best description here.

As I lay twitching on the ground like someone with epilepsy, I felt my brother pull his wolf back. After about ten minutes of me trying to get my breathing back under control and swallowing down the blood that formed when I bit my tongue, I pried my eyes open to look at two concerned people.

"Don't ever do that again, idiot. I would've been fine without your assistance."

"Yeah, yeah. You're a big boy. I get it," I replied rather weakly as I held a hand out to Cece.

She rubbed a hand on my back in concern. "You sure you're okay? You dropped like a bag of potatos."

I rolled my eyes at her. "Hybrid, Cece. Wounds heal fast. Speaking of," I glanced around to make sure we wouldn't be overheard, "I could really go for some blood. We kind of evacuated the house too fast and I forgot about my supply."

"Blood bank is too far from here and it would be closer to just stop by McDougal's to be honest. Unless you'd rather not," Jared suggested.

Actually I really would rather not. For multiple reasons, really. Let's not even mention how much Finn creeps me the fuck out. He's got some weird fascination with Cece and I now owe him two favors. Two favors that my brother isn't aware of yet.

I chuckled nervously, "How about the Cascade? Although the Vampires aren't awake yet, their food is still there running the business. Plus they have more than just walking blood bags on hand there."

Jared seemed to want to argue with me but he could probably feel all my emotions through the link and decided to agree with a sigh. I've actually got another reason for doing this aside from the obvious. I'd begun to feel the bloodthirst stronger than usual, not the empty hollow feeling from the Curse of the Blood, but as if my hunger had nearly tripled. I have a sneaking suspicion my brother was literally shoving his bloodthirst onto me. There's no way I was going to deal with both our hungers. So either he put his big boy pants on when the time came or I was going to force feed him with the airplane spoon and a dislocated jaw.

Sacrifice (#1 Twin's Service series) UNEDITEDМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя