2~Knowing you

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Friday, 9/26/2018, 4:23 pm

Grey- How are you doing? You still up for coffee tomorrow?

Breena- I'm okay, yeah it's still on.

Grey- That's good..I'm looking foward to meeting you, and getting to know you better.

Breena- Same for you. How about we start now? Ask some questions.

Grey- Good idea...okay, what's your favorite color?

Breena- Red. Yours?

Grey- Orange.

Breena- We could be a fire pack! Burn the bitches that ever mess with us!

Grey- Okay, you wear all red and I'll wear all orange...then we strike!

Breena- Yes! BOOM! BOOM!



Grey- Lol! Ya know...you sure have alot of imagination.

Breena- I can say the same for you!

Grey- Let's ask more questions. Your turn!

Breena- Hmm. What are your hobbies?

Grey- I love to do alot of things both indoors and outdoors, but, I mostly play the violin. I like to go to my favorite place by a river and play.

Breena- Woah..maybe I could hear you play sometime?

Grey- That would be awesome! So, what about you?

Breena- Well, I only like to do one thing the most. Painting. It escapes me from reality and I become immersed into a world of colors. It calms me down.

Grey- That's really cool. I would love to see your paintings someday.

Breena- Umm, yeah okay.

Grey- Is something wrong?

Breena- Well..the thing is, my family doesn't like what I do. They destroy my work. I can't stop them either.

Grey- Oh no..I'm so sorry. That is extremely evil.

Breena- Please, Grey. Don't pity me. That's what everyone does. All they do is feel sorry for me. What is that gonna solve you know? Nothing.

Grey- You're right. It doesn't solve anything. So I say you stand up to those fuckers and ruin something of theirs that they find special.

Breena- You really think that would help?

Grey- I'm sure of it. But, don't let them realize it was you. Rule #39..Stir up waters to catch fish. Then, Rule #35..Master the art of timing. After that, you can totally crush them.

Breena- Don't forget about rule #29: Plan all the way to the end.

Grey- No way! You know the 48 laws of power!?

Breena- Always have.

Grey- Hmm...whats rule #14 then?

Breena- Pose as a friend, work as a spy.

Grey- You. Are. Amazing.

Breena- So. Are. You.

Grey- I have been using those rules to survive life since I was 12!

Breena- Been using them since age 7...but i'm not very good at it.

Grey- Oh yeah, How old are you? We never even told eachother our ages and we're already meeting for coffee LOL.

Breena- I need to go..

Grey- Wait! Are you avoiding this? Come on! It wont be scary! You're age was never listed on your profile.

Breena- I know that you are 22...Let's just say this....I'm younger than you, by alot.

Grey- Breena it's okay, you can tell me your age. Trust me, okay?

Breena- Promise not to get angry?

Grey- I promise. I also swear to my grandma deater!

Breena- Im 16. Almost 17.

Grey- ....

Breena- Great, now your mad..so I guess coffee is off then!?

Grey- No, I have to tell you something.

Breena- What?

Grey- Im not 22. I used that age for a stupid reason. Im actually 17.

Breena- Really!? So we were basically the same age this whole damn time?

Grey- Listen, I know that you are probably angry, and I screwed up bad. I'm sorry.

Breena- I'm not angry! This is perfect! Coffee is back on. Tomorrow. Be there. Tired now goodnight.

Grey- Lol, you sound like a handful. Goodnight.

Breena- Goodluck, cuz I am. Night.

Grey- Oh, lord.

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